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Segnalazioni e reclami

La tua opinione è per noi molto importante perchè ci consente di migliorare la qualità delle attività formative, della struttura didattica e dei servizi.

Se vuoi segnalare:

  • osservazioni sulla didattica e i servizi agli studenti
  • problemi da notificare agli organi di gestione del tuo corso

puoi farlo seguendo la procedura di segnalazione reclami.

Your opinion is very important to us as it allows us to continuously improve the quality of the teaching activities and services that we provide to you.

If you have comments on the teaching quality or student services or if you are experiencing issues that you deem appropriate to report, follow the instructions below.

What you may report

Comments on general problems concerning teaching and services for students and teachers and suggestions for their improvement.

Good practices
Positive reports of experiences, proceedings or actions.

Formal remarks about facts or behaviour that you consider inappropriate and with respect to which you feel wrongfully affected.