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Gli studenti e le studentesse dell'Università di Genova possono usufruire di agevolazioni, borse di studio, particolari servizi a loro espressamente dedicati. Conosci tutti i benefici universitari

ALISEO scholarships and accommodations

The scholarships awarded by ALISEO Regione Liguria offer you concrete opportunities to live the university experience to the full.

If you wish to apply for scholarship or accommodation (or for both of them) you should prepare the following documents:

  • the documentation which states for each member of your family:
    • Personal data
    • foreign incomes (regarding the year 2017)
    • foreign properties and financial assets (regarding the year 2018)

The documentation must be:

  • Issued by the competent offices in the country in which the incomes have been produced;
  • translated into Italian by the competent Italian Diplomatic or International students

To learn more, please visit ALISEO website.

Graduate scholarships and Postgraduate research scholarships

Are you a graduate? UniGe offers scholarships and postgraduate research on specific topics. To discover all the available "Research scholarship" calls, please visit the dedicated page.

Other scholarships, awards and opportunities

Scholarships, awards, and opportunities available to UniGe students and graduates promoted by other institutions.

Accommodation scholarships

Do you want to study at UniGe but you do not live in the city?

You may apply for scholarships for accommodation in the two university colleges legally recognized in Genoa. For further information, visit Fondazione Rui website.

Further informations

Settore Anagrafe Reddituale, Tasse e Contributi, Benefici Universitari

Piazza della Nunziata, 6
Tel. +39 010 209 5947

Opening hours:

  • Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri 9 am - 12 pm
  • Tue 9 am - 11 am and 2:30 pm - 4 pm