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What is

Internship, or internship, is a period of orientation and training, carried out in a public or private work setting to facilitate your entry into the world of work.

The curricular internship

The curricular internship consists of a period of training carried out in a company, entity or institution, which allows you to complete and complement your university coursework:

  • has an educational purpose, in that it allows you to deepen, verify and extend the learning received during your course of study
  • has an orientation purpose, in that it allows you to enter the world of work, to know internally the business reality and organizational/work dynamics and to assume greater awareness in your professional choices
  • does not take the form of an employment relationship
  • must be included in the curriculum

The internship is optional, read the study plan and check the CFUs to be acquired and the corresponding hours.

What is

Internship, or internship, is a period of orientation and training, carried out in a public or private work setting to facilitate your entry into the world of work.

Tirocinio curriculare

The curricular internship

The curricular internship consists of a period of training - of a maximum duration of 12 months, for each course of study cycle - carried out in a company, entity or institution, which allows you to complete and supplement your university course:

  • has an educational purpose, in that it allows you to deepen, verify and extend the learning received during your course of study
  • has an orientation purpose, in that it allows you to enter the world of work, to know internally the business reality and organizational/work dynamics and to assume greater awareness in professional choices
  • does not take the form of an employment relationship
  • must be included in the curriculum


You can find out with which companies, organisations, associations have already signed agreements for curricular traineeships by consulting the list of approved companies on the portal Student Curricular Activities: Internship and Thesis.

If you do not find the right apprenticeship offer for you

How to activate a curricular internship


In order to activate the internship, there must be an active agreement between UniGe and the host institution (public or private company):

  1. Read the list of UniGe agreements
  2. Log in with your UniGePass credentials to the online platform and fill out:
    1. The Internship Proposal
    2. The Training and Orientation Project.

Invites the Company to read the dedicated page and register at the Student Curricular Activities Portal: Internships and Theses. It then initiates the necessary paperwork for the internship.

N.B.Use Manuals are available on the Portal home page. For assistance in using the Platform write to

Invites the Company to read the dedicated page and register at the Student Curricular Activities Portal: Internships and Theses. It then initiates the necessary paperwork for the internship.

N.B.Use Manuals are available on the Portal home page. For assistance in using the Platform write to

End of internship

The tutor (internship) or the supervisor (for thesis) should fill out the end-of-activity document and email it to the Coordinator and the head of the Internship and Master's Thesis Committee of the course of study at least 20 days in advance of the date of the graduation examination.

This document must be completed in consultation between the internal and external supervisor in case the activity took place at an external institution.

N.B.The student responsible person who has carried out activities at an external institution is strongly encouraged to fill out the related questionnaire.

Once the Internship or Other Activities is registered, the student can make the application for graduation.

The extracurricular (postgraduate) apprenticeship

Did you graduate? Visit the dedicated page for all the information you need on extracurricular traineeships and their activation.