Tutor reception Are you a newly enrolled student?Host tutors can give you a hand in fitting in with university life, getting around the University's various facilities, finding useful information, and filling out your study plan. Who they are and how to contact them Mirna Bosi - mirna.bosi@gmail.comMaria Masciale - 4408835@studenti.unige.itChiara Povero - 2966340@studenti.unige.it Francesca Narizzano (for all courses and for the Freshman Project) - 3949971@studenti.unige.it
Who they are and how to contact them Paolo Rossetto: 4883221@studenti.unige.it (Thursday 16-18 and by appointment)Giovannamaria Daccà: 4734369@studenti.unige.it (Wednesday 15-17 and by appointment)
Who they are and how to contact them CV art history:. Andrea Paolini: andrea.paolini@edu.unige.it (reception by appointment) Sara Randazzo: 4236696@studenti.unige.it (Tuesdays and Wednesdays 12-14 and by appointment) CV archaeology; Latin and Greek support for Cultural Heritage students:. Lisa Longoni: 3972058@studenti.unige.it ( reception by appointment) Isabella Blasato: 4373063@studenti.unige.it (reception by appointment)
English tutor Who they are and how to contact them Simone Dragone: simone.dragone@edu.unige.it (Mondays 3-5 p.m. and by appointment)