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Other activities

What are

The course of study includes the obligation to acquire CFUs by performingOther Activities that are closely related to your university course and useful for your placement in the world of work.

The course of study requires you to acquire:

  • for the Archaeological Heritage curriculum:
    • 7 CFUs for Other knowledge useful for entering the world of work, compulsorily in archaeological excavation or reconnaissance activities (code 55342)
    • .
    • 5 CFUs total between Training and Guidance Internships (cod. 73200) and AOther knowledge useful for entering the world of work (cod. 73202)
    • 2 CFUs for Stages and internships with companies, public or private entities, professional orders (code 73208)
  • for the Archival and Book Heritage curriculum:
    • 5 CFUs for Training and orientation internships (code 73200)
    • .
    • 6 CFUs for Other knowledge useful for job placement (code 73202)
    • 3 CFUs for Stages and internships with companies, public or private entities, professional orders (code 73208)
  • for the Historical-Artistic Heritage curriculum:
    • 3 CFUs for Training and orientation internships (code 73200)
    • .
    • 2 CFUs for Other knowledge useful for job placement(code 73202)

We recommend that you start acquiring credits as early as the first year.

You can enter the codes for other activities in your study plan indifferently in the first, second and third year.

N.B.The other activities can be carried out at any time during the three years but you can only request their recognition provided that you have entered the corresponding code in your study plan. If you have not entered it, you can still do the activities but to petition for recognition you will have to wait until the following academic year, when you enter the code of the educational activity in the plan.

Recognized activities

The course of study recognizes CFUs for:

1. Internships and apprenticeships
. Only activities carried out at institutions, organizations, companies affiliated with UniGe are considered valid, subject to relevance to the subject of the Course. CFUs will not be recognized for activities that do not correspond to the educational purposes of the Course. 


For working students, it is possible to submit an internship project to be carried out in the workplace, outside working hours and only if it is relevant to the teaching of the Course, which will be recognized according to the hours specified in the certificate.

N.B. Activities carried out independently and in places not designated for the conduct of internships, where it is not possible to verify, on the basis of an attendance record, the actual number of hours devoted to the assigned task.

Are not recognized.

2. Other knowledge useful for job placement
. The following are considered valid for recognition:

  • participation in the Erasmus or Cinda program:
    • 1 CFU for scholarship recipients for one semester, with a minimum attendance abroad of 5 months
    • 2 CFU for recipients of a 9-month scholarship, with a minimum attendance abroad of 7 months
    • 3 CFUs for recipients of a one-year scholarship, with a minimum attendance abroad of 10 months
  • knowledge of modern foreign languages other than English, documented by internationally recognized certification (e.g., DELF, TestDAF, DELE, etc.), issued after passing an exam. You will be eligible for recognition up to a maximum of 3 CFUs:
    • 1 CFU for A level
    • 2 CFU for level B
    • 3 CFUs for C level
  • Language proficiency in English if documented by internationally recognized certification awarded upon passing an examination at a level of C1 or higher:
    • 1 CFU for C1 level
    • .
    • 2 CFU for C2
  • attendance at teaching labs organized as part of the degree program or relevant to the educational goals of the course (visit the Laboratories page of the CdS website)
  • participation in Summer School or training courses organized by universities or other scientific institutions, in Italy or abroad, as long as they are relevant to the topics of the Course
  • participation in conferences and seminars closely related to curricular training (up to a maximum of 2 CFU), provided that they are initiatives organized by the University or initiatives previously recognized by the Course of Studies as valid (e.g., initiatives of particular scientific relevance in the judgment of the "Other Credits" Committee)
    N.B.: the 25 hours = 1 cfu ratio remains valid, based on the hours of certified participation, even when other degree courses recognize and indicate for their students a different hours/credits ratio;
  • .
  • participation in excavation campaigns, archaeological reconnaissance and post-excavation workshops
  • participation in study trips that have had prior recognition by the Course
  • the computer skills documented through possession of the European ECDL license at Full (1 CFU) or Advanced (2 CFU) level, or through passing an ad hoc test prepared by a faculty member of the university.
  • .
  • the civil service, only in cases where the activities carried out are closely related to the subjects of the degree course (e.g., cultural activities carried out at museums, libraries, archives). 

The attestations concerning excavation activities, participation in conferences, seminars, study trips, workshops not organized as part of the educational activities of the degree course, Summer School and training courses must indicate the hours of the student's participation.

N.B.If you have chosen the curriculum in Historical-Artistic Heritage or in Archival and Book Heritageyou can acquire CFUs for Additional knowledge useful for job placement (code 73202) thanks to additional Training and Orientation Internships closely related to the educational goals of your Degree Course.

The Course Council reserves the right to recognize, in special cases, additional certificates certifying other educational activities, provided that they are relevant to the teaching of the course.

Proposals Other activities

Find the list of Laboratories offered by the Course of Study at the page dedicated to Laboratories

Find the list of Laboratories offered by the Course of Study at the page dedicated to Laboratories

The computer skills test is a test to be prepared independently. Find all the information about test dates and materials to prepare yourself on Teams.

Teams Code: ec1icx9

To book the test, simply write an email to with the subject line "Computer Skills Test" and then log onto the Teams channel at the time of the test.

Normally one test per month is organized; dates are announced on Teams at the beginning of each month. If you have special needs, please contact the lecturer.

Trial Instructions


The test is conducted in distance mode on Teams. The test has a maximum total duration of two hours (one and a half hours for the first level, half an hour for the second level) in which you are required to solve some short exercises with your computer.

On the Teams channel, find a sample of the proposed exercises to prepare you for the test.

At the end of the test, you will send the result of the exercises (i.e., some files that you will have processed) in a compressed folder via email to or to the same lecturer via Teams chat, specifying: last name, first name, freshman number, number of credits of the test, code of "other activities" required by your curriculum for the computer skills test.
The subject of the email should be: "Computer Skills Test-Surname-Name".
It is important that you specify all the required information, because you need it to produce the certificate to get the credits.


The two levels are independent, and can be taken separately.

Level I (provides 2 credits)


Computer use and file management. Practical knowledge by the candidate of the main basic functions of a personal computer and its operating system (WINDOWS, or MAC, or LINUX): organizing and managing files and folders, working with icons and windows, using simple editing tools and printing options.

Word processing (WORD). Creating, formatting and finishing a document. Creating tables, introducing graphics and images into a document, printing a document.

Electronic spreadsheet (EXCEL). Creating and formatting an electronic spreadsheet, using basic arithmetic and logic functions. Graphical representation of the data in it. A handout on the spreadsheet is available for download at this address.(

Level II (provides 1 credit)


(One paper to be chosen from the following two)

1. Databases (ACCESS or similar software) [optional]

. Create a simple database. Extract information from an existing database using available query, selection, and sorting tools.


2. Web. Use of the Internet to search for data, documents, scientific resources; use the features of a browser, use search engines, run printouts from the web.

The computer skills test is a test to be prepared independently. Find all the information about test dates and materials to prepare yourself on Teams.

Teams Code: ec1icx9

To book the test, simply write an email to with the subject line "Computer Skills Test" and then log onto the Teams channel at the time of the test.

Normally one test per month is organized; dates are announced on Teams at the beginning of each month. If you have special needs, please contact the lecturer.

Trial Instructions


The test is conducted in distance mode on Teams. The test has a maximum total duration of two hours (one and a half hours for the first level, half an hour for the second level) in which you are required to solve some short exercises with your computer.

On the Teams channel, find a sample of the proposed exercises to prepare you for the test.

At the end of the test, you will send the result of the exercises (i.e., some files that you will have processed) in a compressed folder via email to or to the same lecturer via Teams chat, specifying: last name, first name, freshman number, number of credits of the test, code of "other activities" required by your curriculum for the computer skills test.
The subject of the email should be: "Computer Skills Test-Surname-Name".
It is important that you specify all the required information, because you need it to produce the certificate to get the credits.


The two levels are independent, and can be taken separately.

Level I (provides 2 credits)


Computer use and file management. Practical knowledge by the candidate of the main basic functions of a personal computer and its operating system (WINDOWS, or MAC, or LINUX): organizing and managing files and folders, working with icons and windows, using simple editing tools and printing options.

Word processing (WORD). Creating, formatting and finishing a document. Creating tables, introducing graphics and images into a document, printing a document.

Electronic spreadsheet (EXCEL). Creating and formatting an electronic spreadsheet, using basic arithmetic and logic functions. Graphical representation of the data in it. A handout on the spreadsheet is available for download at this address.(

Level II (provides 1 credit)


(One paper to be chosen from the following two)

1. Databases (ACCESS or similar software) [optional]

. Create a simple database. Extract information from an existing database using available query, selection, and sorting tools.


2. Web. Use of the Internet to search for data, documents, scientific resources; use the features of a browser, use search engines, run printouts from the web.


The course Citizenship Training is intended for all students enrolled in the University's bachelor's, master's, single-cycle master's and PhD programs, regardless of the proposing department or course of study they are enrolled in. The objective of the course is to promote the development of active and responsible citizenship through the acquisition of personal and social, entrepreneurial and digital skills.

The Course of Study recognizes among other curricular activities a seminar module of your choice among those activated by the Departments of the School of Humanities. For the academic year 2022/23:

  • Marginals and Rights (DAFIST - referee Prof. Langella) - 1 CFU
  • Multiculturalism and Citizenship (DLCM - referee prof. Pusillo) - 1 CFU
  • Lost Homes. For an exploration of current loss (DIRAAS - referee Prof. Morando) - 1 CFU
  • Religions in Public Space (DAFIST - referee prof.ssa Colagrossi) - 1 CFU


The course Citizenship Training is intended for all students enrolled in the University's bachelor's, master's, single-cycle master's and PhD programs, regardless of the proposing department or course of study they are enrolled in. The objective of the course is to promote the development of active and responsible citizenship through the acquisition of personal and social, entrepreneurial and digital skills.

The Course of Study recognizes among other curricular activities a seminar module of your choice among those activated by the Departments of the School of Humanities. For the academic year 2022/23:

  • Marginals and Rights (DAFIST - referee Prof. Langella) - 1 CFU
  • Multiculturalism and Citizenship (DLCM - referee prof. Pusillo) - 1 CFU
  • Lost Homes. For an exploration of current loss (DIRAAS - referee Prof. Morando) - 1 CFU
  • Religions in Public Space (DAFIST - referee prof.ssa Colagrossi) - 1 CFU


The course Citizenship Training is aimed at all students enrolled in the University's undergraduate, master's, single-cycle master's and PhD courses, regardless of the proposing department or the course they are enrolled in. The aim of the course is to promote the development of active and responsible citizenship through the acquisition of personal and social, entrepreneurial and digital skills.

The Course of Study recognises among other curricular activities a seminar module to be chosen from those activated by the Departments of the School of Humanities.

  • Marginals and Rights (DAFIST - referee Prof. Langella) - 1 CFU
  • Multiculturalism and citizenship (DLCM - ref. prof. Pusillo) - 1 CFU
  • Religions in public space (DAFIST - ref. prof. Colagrossi) - 1 CFU

NOTE PLEASE NOTE:the offer of activated modules may vary from year to year, it is necessary to wait for the annual notice with the list of modules offered in the current academic year.


The course Citizenship Training is aimed at all students enrolled in the University's undergraduate, master's, single-cycle master's and PhD courses, regardless of the proposing department or the course they are enrolled in. The aim of the course is to promote the development of active and responsible citizenship through the acquisition of personal and social, entrepreneurial and digital skills.

The Course of Study recognises among other curricular activities a seminar module to be chosen from those activated by the Departments of the School of Humanities.

  • Marginals and Rights (DAFIST - referee Prof. Langella) - 1 CFU
  • Multiculturalism and citizenship (DLCM - ref. prof. Pusillo) - 1 CFU
  • Religions in public space (DAFIST - ref. prof. Colagrossi) - 1 CFU

NOTE PLEASE NOTE:the offer of activated modules may vary from year to year, it is necessary to wait for the annual notice with the list of modules offered in the current academic year.

M. Stella Acerno
Course period: 2nd semester. Start: 24 January 2025, end: end of April 2025 for a total of 26 hours, divided into 12 weekly meetings
. For registration and information:

The seminar will deal with issues concerning human rights in the various aspects that characterise them on a historical, legal, cultural and educational level. Starting from the definitions of the concept of human rights, the origins, development and contemporary trends concerning civil and political, social, economic and cultural rights are analysed. In-depth studies are devoted to education and the relationship between art, film and human rights.

M. Stella Acerno
Course period: 2nd semester. Start: 24 January 2025, end: end of April 2025 for a total of 26 hours, divided into 12 weekly meetings
. For registration and information:

The seminar will deal with issues concerning human rights in the various aspects that characterise them on a historical, legal, cultural and educational level. Starting from the definitions of the concept of human rights, the origins, development and contemporary trends concerning civil and political, social, economic and cultural rights are analysed. In-depth studies are devoted to education and the relationship between art, film and human rights.

CFU Recognition

To apply for the recognition of other credits, you must submit the others' credits committee contact person, at least three months before the final discussion, the specific form with a paper trail stating:

  • the activity performed and/or competence acquired
  • the duration of the activity

The recording of the CFUs relating to Training and work experience placements, Other knowledge useful for employment and Stages and work experience placements only takes place if the corresponding code has been entered in your study plan.

N.B.In specific and justified cases, you may apply to the Commission for recognition of the CFUs envisaged for the internship through substitute activities (e.g. advanced age of the applicant student or disability-related problems). The validity of substitute activities for the recognition of work placement credits may be recognised in the case of:

  • health emergency (if it makes the implementation of the work placement problematic)
  • proven urgency of acquiring credits for the completion of the training course