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Info 2024/2025

Duration 2 years
CFU 120
Class LM-94
Access Free access
Locations GENOVA
Language Italian
Teaching mode In-person
Head of programme DOMENICO LOVASCIO
Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions
Student exchange International destinations and partners
Contacts Read more here
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The course in brief


The course trains highly professional figures in the field of specialized translation and interpreting in two languages chosen from:

  • French
  • English
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • German

Provides for the refinement of translation techniques and the consolidation of interpretive and expressive skills. Aims at deepening lexicography and specialized terminology, as well as acquiring the techniques of documenting, editing and revising text. A double degree can be obtained in collaboration with the Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès.

Learning by doing

Simulation of the profession through networking and development of techniques of dialogic interpreting and conference interpreting.

Use of multimedia tools.

The course allows you to spend a period abroad - Erasmus.

Professional outlets

Translators, interpreters, language expert consultants, terminologists, text reviewers in:

  • free profession
  • translation, interpreting and conference organizing agencies and cooperatives
  • public and private companies in the industrial sector
  • public and private companies in the human resources sector
  • public entities as experts in multilingual communication
  • public and private universities and research institutions - after attending doctoral courses.

What you will learn

traduzione e mediazione

parlare, capire, interagire, comunicare, mediare, utilizzare le nuove tecnologie, post-editing


sintassi, pragmatica, sociolinguistica, linguistica testuale

letterature e culture straniere

letterature comparate, culture e civiltà straniere

lingua straniera

soggiornare un semestre nel paese di cui studi la lingua

economia, cultura e turismo

economia dell'industria culturale, economia delle attività terziarie, diritto dell'Unione Europea

arte e beni culturali

storia dell'arte e legislazione dei beni culturali

Did you know that.

Sono incoraggiati i tirocini all'estero

Il corso ha tre convenzioni con atenei extraeuropei (Canada, Messico, Russia)

Esistono numerose convenzioni con teatri, festival del cinema e istituzioni per lo svolgimento di attività pratiche e stimolanti

Da noi si fa anche interpretariato; non si lavora solo su testi scritti

I nostri studenti possono utilizzare software all'avanguardia per l'interpretazione e la traduzione assistita


The Master's Degree Program in Translation and Interpreting aims to train highly professional figures in the field of specialized translation and interpreting in line with the standards required by the European market.

Languages of study can be chosen from:

  • French
  • English
  • Spanish
  • Russian
  • German

Educational content is geared not only toward refining translation techniques and consolidating interpretive and expressive skills, but also toward deepening lexicography and specialized heterminology, as well as acquiring the techniques of documentation, text editing and proofreading.

Educational activities include lectures, seminars, laboratory exercises, distance learning modules, internships, and stay abroad.

In view of the importance of the new technologies of distance work today, particularly in the profession of translator but also interpreter, the course aims to promote the aptitude for group work on the net, simulating the real conditions of the profession.

The course also aims to develop the skills necessary to use media tools for computer-assisted translation and interpreting through computer and language labs. In particular, in-depth techniques of dialogic interpreting and basic techniques of conference interpreting will be practiced.


Course location
Palazzo Serra
Piazza Santa Sabina 2
16124 Genoa


In the course venue you will find faculty offices, administrative offices, and the library.

Didactic locations
Santa Sabina Square 2

Educational Pole
Via delle Fontane 10

Albergo dei Poveri
P.le Brignole 2 canc

Lovascio Domenico new

Benvenuti al Corso di Laurea magistrale in Traduzione e interpretariato! Qui affinerete le vostre competenze linguistiche e traduttive e avrete l’opportunità di proiettarle verso il mondo del lavoro. I nostri docenti esperti in traduzione e valenti interpreti e professionisti del settore vi guideranno nello sviluppo delle vostre potenzialità e abilità.

Domenico Lovascio

Read more

Sportello Unico Studenti di Scienze Umanistiche
Via Balbi 4 - ground floor
16126 Genova
+39 010 209 51690

For information on matriculation and enrollment, part-time enrollment, resumption of studies, transfers, course transitions, withdrawal from studies, issuance of certificates and duplicates write to

Responsible for Teaching Unit (RUD)

Sportello Unico Studenti di Scienze Umanistiche
Via Balbi 4 - piano terra
16126 Genova
+39 010 209 51690

Per informazioni su immatricolazioni e iscrizioni, iscrizioni a tempo parziale, ripresa degli studi, trasferimenti, passaggi di corso, rinuncia agli studi, rilascio certificati e duplicati scrivere a

Responsabile di Unità Didattica (RUD)