This degree program is scheduled number and requires passing a entrance test. Read the admission notice carefully so as not to miss key steps. In particular, check the deadlines for each step.
Bando di ammissione Attachments Document Bando di ammissione al corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in Medicina e chirurgia a.a. 2024/2025 Document Allegato 1 al Bando di ammissione a.a. 2024/2025 Document Decreto_Ministeriale_n._472_Allegato_A.pdf Document AVVISO_IMPORTO_CONTRIBUTO_MEDICINA_E_ODONTOIATRIA.pdf Preparati al test d'ingresso
Sign up for UniGe and the Test To register for this course of study, you need to go through the procedure online which includes (check out the TUTORIAL): The registration to this Portal (if you have never been registered at the University of Genoa) The pre-registration: in the screen that will appear you will have to enter the credentials received with the registration (previous point) Registration confirmation N.B. Pre-registration is equivalent to registration for the entrance test. You can proceed with the confirmation of matriculation ONLY if you pass the entrance test successfully.
Sign up for UniGe and the Test To register for this course of study, you need to go through the procedure online which includes (check out the TUTORIAL): The registration to this Portal (if you have never been registered at the University of Genoa) The pre-registration: in the screen that will appear you will have to enter the credentials received with the registration (previous point) Registration confirmation. N.B. Pre-registration is equivalent to registration for the entrance test. You can proceed with the confirmation of matriculation ONLY if you pass the entrance test successfully.
Complete your registration If you have passed the entrance test and are on the ranking list, you can complete your application (see the TUTORIAL): confirm that you want to enrol in this course pay the first instalment of fees Consult the admission notice to find out how to confirm your enrolment in this course of study.