The Placement Sector offers various services to orient you in the world of work, including: CV review Individual counselling Thematic workshops Competence assessment Discover all the services of job orientation Almalaurea Almalaurea unites universities and the world of work. Find out how it works, register to the platform and create your cv online.
Events and meetings Career days and events Participate in UniGe's events and meetings with companies, organizations and associations to find out about their job and internship offers and learn about selection and placement. Thematic workshops UniGe offers you to attend thematic workshops on job search and first contacts with the company. The workshops are organized once a month and announced in the News section of the Graduate section. To participate you need to perform the following online procedure by midday the day before the workshop date: link to student classroom click on the Placement - Job Orientation Workshops heading. log in with your UniGePASS credentials select the event and click on Book If you cannot attend, please unregister. The number of places is limited. In case the available seats are sold out, send us an email indicating your interest in attending with the title and date of the workshop.
Postgraduate opportunities Mailing list of graduates Subscribe to our guidance committee's mailing list to receive job postings and vacancies directly from companies. You can do this via web or, alternatively, just send an email from the address you intend to subscribe to the list, addressed to, specifying sub graduate-disi First Name Last Name. as the subject line.
Useful information Types of employment contracts Visit the job page to learn in detail about the main types of contracts in employment. Self-employment and self-entrepreneurship If you have an entrepreneurial idea, UniGe (in collaboration with Confindustria Genova, Legacoop Liguria and Confcooperative) helps you see if it can be translated into a successful business by providing information, technical and regulatory assistance, coaching and mentorship. Discover the professions Discover, at dedicated page the results of the Almalaurea Surveys on the Profile and Employment Condition of Graduates the Framework of Italian Degrees the Liguria Region Occupations Laboratory
Read more Placement and Work Guidance Services Department Piazza della Nunziata 6, 3rd floor 16124 Genova +39 010 209 Study Guidance Department Piazza della Nunziata 6 16124 Genova +39 010