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Final project

Final examination

Mandatory fulfillments

To be admitted to the final examination, you must have regularly attended the educational activities and earned all the credits included in your study plan, except those relating to the final examination itself.

  • The fulfillments required by the University of Genova are listed here. Do not forget to fill and confirm your degree application within 30 days of the date of the session.
  • The fulfillments required by the Course of Study are available on the Aulaweb module for the final examination.

All these fulfillments are mandatory.


What is

The final examination consists of the discussion of a written report on an activity carried out during your course of study, agreed upon with a lecturer, which may be:

  • laboratory
  • project
  • a internship
  • of in-depth study

For the methodological curriculum, the final test is worth 3 CFUs, corresponding to about 8 hours per day for 9 days, and consists of a project agreed upon with one of the faculty members of a second- or third-year course.

For the professional curriculum the final test is worth 12 CFUs, corresponding to an average of 8 hours per day for 38 days, and can be combined:

  • with a internship at a company or other
  • to an activity agreed with a lecturer and linked to a project or to an in-depth study of one of the topics covered in a course you have taken (including abroad)

The discussion is in all respects an examination with questions and evaluation by the commission and takes place in the period between the delivery of the final examination and the proclamation, on a date to be determined on the basis of the commissioners' commitments and the number of candidates.

The official dates correspond to the proclamation, i.e., the official conclusion of the course of study, which will take place on a different day from the discussion with the conferral of the degree and the announcement of the degree awarded.


What to do to graduate

If you are an undergraduate, you must:

  1. Deposit the title of your thesis
  2. Choose the degree session
  3. .
  4. Fill out the AlmaLaurea questionnaire online
  5. Fill out the degree application online
  6. .
  7. In case you have books on loan, return them to the library
  8. .
  9. Fill out the assessment questionnaire for your degree.
  10. .


  1. Check that you are current on your tax payments
  2. .
  3. Pay the stamp duty of € 16 for the issuance of the degree certificate (payable via the online services - payment of fees and contributions)
  4. .
  5. Check that you have taken all the exams and educational activities
  6. Check that they are all marked on your online career no later than 15 days before the date of your graduation session


When did you first enrol in your course of study?

The final grade of the degree takes into account the marks awarded for the final examination and the entire academic curriculum.

The final grade is awarded using the following criteria:

  1. A base mark is calculated, obtained from the average of the marks of the individual examinations, weighted by credits, and excluding the most penalising mark. A grade of 30 cum laude is assessed as 33. Finally, the score is converted into hundredths
  2. .
  3. To this basic score is added the evaluation score for the final test:
    • for the professional pathway, where the final examination is worth 12 CFUs, the maximum increase is 6 points
    • .
    • for the methodology pathway, where the final examination is worth 3 CFUs, the maximum increase is 3 points.
  4. For the methodology pathway there is a "speed bonus" for those who graduate within three years (part-time enrolment years are valued at 0.5, and the sum is rounded off). The increment is equal to:
    • 4 points if you graduate before the start of classes for the Master of Science in Computer Science degree
    • .
    • 3 points if you graduate by October
    • 2 points if you graduate by December
  5. If the mark achieved is greater than or equal to 111/110, the graduation committee may award honours.

The final grade of the degree takes into account the marks awarded for the final examination and the entire academic curriculum.

The final grade is awarded using the following criteria:

  1. A base mark is calculated, obtained from the average of the marks of the individual examinations, weighted by credits, and excluding the most penalising mark. A grade of 30 cum laude is assessed as 33. Finally, the score is converted into hundredths
  2. .
  3. To this basic score is added the evaluation score for the final test:
    • for the professional pathway, where the final examination is worth 12 CFUs, the maximum increase is 6 points
    • .
    • for the methodology pathway, where the final examination is worth 3 CFUs, the maximum increase is 3 points.
  4. For the methodology pathway there is a "speed bonus" for those who graduate within three years (part-time enrolment years are valued at 0.5, and the sum is rounded off). The increment is equal to:
    • 4 points if you graduate before the start of classes for the Master of Science in Computer Science degree
    • .
    • 3 points if you graduate by October
    • 2 points if you graduate by December
  5. If the mark achieved is greater than or equal to 111/110, the graduation committee may award honours.

The final grade for graduation takes into account the marks awarded for the final examination and the entire academic curriculum.

The final grade is awarded using the following criteria:

  1. A basic mark is calculated, obtained from the average of the marks of the individual examinations, weighted by credits, and excluding the most penalising mark. A grade of 30 cum laude is assessed as 33. Finally, the score is converted into hundredths
  2. .
  3. To this basic score is added the evaluation score for the final test.
    • for the professional/technological pathway, where the final examination is worth 12 CFUs, the maximum increase is 6 points
    • .
    • for the methodological/professional pathway, where the final examination is worth 3 CFU, the maximum increase is 3 points
  4. For the methodological/professional pathway, there is a "speed bonus" for those who graduate within three years. The increase is equal to:
    • 4 points if you graduate by September
    • .
    • 3 points if you graduate by October
    • 2 points if you graduate by December
    In the event of transfer from another course of study, the increase may be normalised on the basis of the number of CFUs recognised at the time of approval of the transfer application and the expected duration of the course of study, attributed at the time of the evaluation of your previous career
  5. If the mark achieved is greater than or equal to 111/110, the degree committee may award honours.
  6. The degree committee may award honours if the mark achieved is greater than or equal to 111/110.


The final grade for graduation takes into account the marks awarded for the final examination and the entire academic curriculum.

The final grade is awarded using the following criteria:

  1. A basic mark is calculated, obtained from the average of the marks of the individual examinations, weighted by credits, and excluding the most penalising mark. A grade of 30 cum laude is assessed as 33. Finally, the score is converted into hundredths
  2. .
  3. To this basic score is added the evaluation score for the final test.
    • for the professional/technological pathway, where the final examination is worth 12 CFUs, the maximum increase is 6 points
    • .
    • for the methodological/professional pathway, where the final examination is worth 3 CFU, the maximum increase is 3 points
  4. For the methodological/professional pathway, there is a "speed bonus" for those who graduate within three years. The increase is equal to:
    • 4 points if you graduate by September
    • .
    • 3 points if you graduate by October
    • 2 points if you graduate by December
    In the event of transfer from another course of study, the increase may be normalised on the basis of the number of CFUs recognised at the time of approval of the transfer application and the expected duration of the course of study, attributed at the time of the evaluation of your previous career
  5. If the mark achieved is greater than or equal to 111/110, the degree committee may award honours.
  6. The degree committee may award honours if the mark achieved is greater than or equal to 111/110.