Your opinion is very important to us because it enables us to improve the quality of training activities, teaching structure and services. If you would like to report: observations on teaching and student services problems to be reported to the governing bodies of your course you can do so by following the complaints reporting procedure. Remember that: the course of study ensures that reports are taken care of, verifies their substantiation, assigns them to the appropriate management bodies, and assures you a response within a defined time the course ensures the systematic recording and analysis of reports for the purpose of implementing appropriate improvement and corrective actions no anonymous reports will be considered, nor will reports that do not state accurate and verifiable facts as the author of the report you will be protected against any form of discrimination or penalization and will be guaranteed absolute confidentiality. Your identity will not be disclosed, subject to legal obligations and the protection of UniGe 's rights. regarding complaints related to central facilities please refer to UniGe's procedure
PROCEDURE FOR REPORTS AND COMPLAINTS, BACHELOR DEGREE in COMPUTER SCIENCE Suggestions/suggestions: observations on general problems concerning teaching and services for students and teachers and suggestions for their improvement. Complaints/Reclamations: formal complaints about facts or behaviour which the plaintiff considers inappropriate and in respect of which she feels aggrieved. The procedure outlines how students or staff can proceed if they encounter problems with teaching activities and contextual services, which they feel should be reported to the Degree Program Board, Department, and School management bodies. The procedure is in addition to the use of the usual communication channels for students, reported on the Aulaweb module for student information (LT, LM), for enquiries and communication of problems for which there is no need to maintain confidentiality. The Degree Program Board ensures that reports are taken into account, verifies their validity, assigns them to the appropriate management bodies, and ensures a rapid response (within 20 days). No anonymous report will be taken into consideration, nor will report that do not state precise and verifiable facts. The author of the report will be protected against any form of discrimination or penalisation and will be guaranteed absolute confidentiality. His or her identity will not be divulged, without prejudice to legal obligations and the protection of the University's rights. The Degree Program Board makes available two email addresses to which students and staff may write for reports and complaints related to teaching activities and its degree organisation. These addresses are in addition to the communication channels made available by the School of Science MFN and University (as described in the Annex to this procedure): For LT Computer Science: For LM Computer Science: The person responsible for handling such reports and complaints is the Degree Program Board Delegate for Reports and Complaints. The Delegate: In the case of reports and complaints pertaining to the areas of competence of the Degree Program Board and with clearly identified issuer: Is in charge of handling the report/complaint as quickly as possible (generally within 20 days), interacting with the Degree Program Board delegates, and periodically updating the person who made the report/complaint on the progress of the appropriate improvement and corrective actions. Treats all information confidentially. This principle should also be applied to any persons named in reports and complaints. Refrains from handling the report/complaint in the case of direct involvement and redirects the request to the address Registers and archives reports and complaints, assigning the type according to the following classification, together with the final outcome of their handling and the time it took to handle them. 4.1. Availability of teachers; 4.2. Teaching programmes; 4.3. Delivery of educational activities;4.4. Methods of evaluation;4.5. Organisation of lectures, timetable and schedule of profit and thesis examinations;4.6 Other reports related to teaching activities. Periodically, upon request of the Coordinator or the QA Committee, the Delegate sends a summary report of the reports and complaints received in a certain period, highlighting their type, final outcome, and response time. In the event of reports and complaints that are not relevant to the areas of competence of the Degree Program Board, but with clearly identified sender the Delegate redirects the sender to the competent bodies, according to the table below. The email addresses in the table may also be used independently by the sender. Subject of the report/complaint Management Email address 1. Information 1.1. Clarity of procedures and responsibilities of administrative practices; 1.2. Clarity and completeness of signage in facilities; 1.3. Adequacy and completeness of information on the website; 1.4. Readability and comprehensibility of forms; 1.5. Availability of personnel; 1.6. Fairness and homogeneity in the treatment of users; 1.7 Other reports related to administrative aspects Student Secretariat of the School of Sciences MFN 2. Logistics and Support for teaching activities 2.1. Size and numerosity of classrooms, laboratories, study rooms;2.2. Equipment and maintenance of classrooms and laboratories;2.3. Hours of access to libraries and any other public places;2.4. Accessibility of classrooms, laboratories, libraries, study rooms;2.5. Classroom management; 2.6. Initial checks and possible management of OFAs;2.7. Online procedures (booking exams, recognition of CFUs, exemptions);2.8 Other reports related to the management/logistics of the didactic offer DIBRIS Education Office Manager 3. Background services, offered by the University and School 3.1. Entry orientation services; 3.2. Tutoring and in-itinere guidance services; 3.3. Services for traineeships and accompaniment to employment; 3.4. Services for International Relations 4.5 Other reports related to educational context services Student Desk 4. Didactic activity and its organisation 4.1. Availability of teachers; 4.2. Teaching programmes; 4.3. Delivery of training activities; 4.4.Assessing methods; 4.5. Organisation of lectures, timetable and schedule of examinations and dissertations; 4.6 Other reports related to teaching activities Delegate for Reporting and Complaints for CCS in Computing For LT Computer: For the LM Computer Science: