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Information technology is at the heart of the digital revolution and is one of the most important keys to the development of new knowledge and technology. 

Our environment is organized to promote collaboration among students through the use of reserved spaces for study, discussion and conviviality. 

The Computer Science degree program is strongly rooted in the Ligurian territory through deep connections with the industrial fabric. 

Founded by a group of professors from the School of Mathematical Physical and Natural Sciences in 1986, the course has always given equal attention to both the fundamentals of computer science and its many applications.

What will you study

In the first two years the teachings cover:

  • the basics of discrete, continuous, and computational mathematics
  • information processing and transmission systems
  • algorithms and data structures
  • languages, their paradigms, and programming environments
  • data management and organization systems
  • information theory and elements of inference

All are also required to pass an English language exam (B1 or B2 level).

In thethird year in addition to a common part that includes:

  • fundamentals of software engineering
  • web application development
  • fundamentals of cyber security
  • concurrent programming and distributed algorithms
  • elements of corporate culture and management

The course is divided into two curricula:

The Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science trains junior experts ready to enter the working world or to pursue studies.

Those who wish to pursue further studies add multi-variable differential calculus, fundamentals of quantum computation, and automata theory and computability to their basic preparation. The final exam is worth 3 credits and consists of a project related to one of the exams taken.




The Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science trains junior experts ready to enter the working world or to pursue studies.

Those who wish to pursue further studies add multi-variable differential calculus, fundamentals of quantum computation, and automata theory and computability to their basic preparation. The final exam is worth 3 credits and consists of a project related to one of the exams taken.




The Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science trains junior experts ready to enter the working world or to pursue studies.

For those who intend to enter the world of work right away, we offer a course on advanced programming techniques and two tracks: web& mobile and enterprise computing. The final exam and the internship in an enterprise are together worth 12 credits.

The Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science trains junior experts ready to enter the working world or to pursue studies.

For those who intend to enter the world of work right away, we offer a course on advanced programming techniques and two tracks: web& mobile and enterprise computing. The final exam and the internship in an enterprise are together worth 12 credits.

After graduation

  • Web & mobile expert
  • .

Who is he?

This pathway builds a junior professional with the appropriate IT skills for the development of web and mobile device technologies

What does it do?

Designs and implements web services and applications and apps for mobile devices

Where does he work?

In IT companies and as a consultant or freelancer

  • Business IT expert
  • .

Who is he?

This pathway builds a junior professional with the appropriate IT skills to take care of all aspects of digital technologies underpinning the operation of businesses

What does it do?

Designs and implements solutions for the management and operation of enterprises with a focus on ERP systems, data management and mining.

Where does he work?

In IT companies and as a consultant or freelancer

  • Master's degree
  • .

Who is it?

Three-year college graduate with solid background able to pursue studies in computer science

What does he/she do?

He enrolls in a master's degree in computer science


Where does he work?

Stays at the university for two more years...