Notice of admission Attachments Document Bando di ammissione al corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in Scienze della formazione primaria a.a. 2024/2025
How it works The entrance test aims to check your preparation by answering eighty (80) closed-ended questions on the following topics:language proficiency and logical reasoning (40)literary, historical-social and geographical culture (20)mathematical-scientific culture (20) . To learn more about the entrance test, read carefully the admission notice posted on the Admission Requirements and Application Methods page. If you have a degree from a foreign country, you must pass a test of knowledge of the Italian language that will take place in telematic mode.Date, time and mode will be published later on the website of the School of Italian Language and Culture for Foreign Students.If you fail the test you will be assigned the additional training obligations (OFA) that you can make up by attending an Italian course, lasting from 40 to 120 hours depending on your level, and passing a final test.
When and where Notices are hereby given that the entrance test of the single-cycle master's degree course in Primary Education will be held at the Department of Education Sciences (Corso Podestà, 2 - Genoa) on September 20, 2023.. Candidates are convened at 9:30 a.m. to allow the examining board to proceed with identification operations.The test is scheduled to begin at 11 a.m... The test location and convocation times will be announced on the Department of Education (DISFOR) website and in the News and Events section of the Course by Monday, September 6, 2021. N.B.If you show up after the close of the recognition process, you will not be admitted to the test. On the day of the test you must have with you:. a valid identification document the receipt of the payment of € 50 (admission fee). the receipt of the application for admission N.B. Remember also that in order to participate in the test, you must have a valid Green COVID-19 (Green Pass)Certificate, wear correctly your face mask and comply with safety protocols throughout your time in the University buildings.
Evaluation The following criteria shall be taken into account for the evaluation of the test:test evaluation:1 point for each correct answer0 points for each omitted, incorrect or multiple answerEnglish language certification:3 points - B1 5 points - B2 7 points - C110 points - C2
Simulazione Test L'Università degli Studi di Genova e Informagiovani del Comune di Genova organizzano una serie di simulazioni dei test di ingresso per accedere ai corsi di studio a numero programmato che si svolgeranno presso: Palazzo Ducale - Casa Luzzati - Piazza G. Matteotti, 24 r - 16123 Genova Le prenotazioni saranno aperte una settimana prima della data di svolgimento.