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CODE 27975
SEMESTER 1° Semester


All the new students enrolled for the first time in undergraduate/first-degree courses or 5-year single cycle degree courses in the 2022/2023 academic year are required to sit a level B1 English Assessment Test (AT). (QCER).

Those students who already hold a valid certificate are required to upload it on the relevant Aulaweb page. If the certificate is validated by the student’s English lecturer, said students WILL NOT have to sit the level B1 English AT.

Depending on your degree course, passing the level B1 English assessment test will mean that:

  • you have either passed a whole English exam for which credits are allocated
  • or you have passed part of an English exam for which no credits are allocated
  • or you are allowed to access an English exam
  • OFA (additional training requirement currently only applicable to Naval Engineering – Ingegneria Navale code: 8722)

Need further information? Click here.



The course provides the language skills defined by the Council of Europe in the B1 proficiency level


Please see the CEFR level description below.

B1 - Threshold or Intermediate 

  • Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.
  • Can deal with most situations likely to arise while travelling in an area where the language is spoken.
  • Can produce simple connected text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest.
  • Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans

For further information on the various levels from A1 and A2 to B1, as well as higher ones, such as B2, C1 and C2, please check the British Council website either in Italian or in English.


All students who attended the school system in Italy learnt English as a compulsory subject for 13 years, i.e. 5 at primary school, 3 years while at middle school and at 5 more years at high-school. Therefore, all students graduating from Italian secondary schools are expected to reach the B2 level before enrolling at university. 


The online English B1 course is a self-directed learning course and is available at the following link

The online English B1 course offers self-learning material, aimed at catching up with English B1 grammar and syntax structures and training to sit the PC-based English B1 test. It's a trainer course meant to offer you enough revision to be able to sit the English B1 test.

As a self-learning activity, the online English B1 course is meant to be carried out with maximum freedom to fit in with each student's own needs, learning pace, timetable, and other classes.

However, it is strongly recommended that the online English B1 course is attended consistently, that is, devoting at least 20/30 minutes to it each day when students start working on it. Consistency will allow students to progress more efficiently in their revision and get ready to sit the English B1 test.


Those who do not pass the English B1 Assessment test will receive an invitation to attend an online B1 English course on the Moodle paltform, also called Aulaweb. This is an online self-learning activity that students can work on at their own pace with the support of a tutor. The course must be completed by a given deadline (more information will be offered when entering the course), in order to be offered the opportunity to sit the English B1 test again in March.
Those who do not pass the test in March will receive an invitation to attend a 40-hour interactive course, this time face-to-face with a teacher, who will support students in their preparation for a further B1 test at the end. Those who do not pass the B1 test after the 40-hour course will be able to re-take it according to the schedule set out by their English lecturer.

The online English B1 course is available at and it is made of four modules. The first three are exercises, activities and grammar focuses aimed at revising B1 level skills and abilities that learners should have already learnt at school. Module 4 is split in three sections and each is a mock test or exam practice that allows students to practice exam exercises and activities. 

The online English B1 course offers self-learning material, aimed at catching up with English B1 grammar and syntax structures and training to sit the PC-based English B1 test. It's a trainer course meant to offer you enough revision to be able to sit the English B1 test.


The online English B1 course is a self-directed learning course and is available at the following link

Please find below, some further suggestions and useful free online resources.

  • It is strongly recommended that students work on expanding their vocabulary and grammar in context, that is, they learn words and grammar structures inside a text. Here is a piece of advice: read as much as you can, for example paper and/or online newspapers, magazines, books. Also, listen to what you read as you read it (enable English subtitles whenever available), this will also offer you practice with the listening skills. Be consistent and devote some time to any activity in English on an daily basis.
  • As grammar reference, use 'English Grammar in Use' by Raymond Murphy (get the intermediate version). 
  • English B1 vocabulary and grammar can also be practised on Learning English choose the "Intermediate English" level. 
  • English B1 vocabulary and grammar can also be practised on BBC - Learning English choose the "Intermediate English" level
  • When looking for a dictionary try and use an English to English one. There is a very good online resource called  OneLook  that offers many different types of dictionaries. The one I suggest you use is the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, which always comes with phonemic script and audio.


Exam Board




MARCO BAGLI (President Substitute)

SIMONE TORSANI (President Substitute)



The English B1 course is an online sef-learning course and can be accessed at the following URL

Freshers or newly enrolled students who fail the English B1Assessment Test are automatically redirected to the online English B1 course. Further information at the following link.

All other students find the online English B1 course at the same link and can start it in October 2021. Further information on the 2022 Aulaweb "English Language - 27975" page.

Class schedule

The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy



The English B1 exam is a PC-based test scheduled as other exam in the summer, autumn and winter exam session on

The official test is made up of 18 questions which include 6 different types of exercise. The pass mark is 60% correct answers. Find below a description of the six types of exercise.

  • Question 1: Use of English/Reading comprehension - (a gapped texts with ten 4-option questions) - 10 marks.
  • From question 2 to question 6: signs (multiple-choice) - 5 marks
  • From question 7 to questions 11: transformations (add up to 3 words) - 5 marks
  • From question 12 to question 16: sentence completion (multiple choice) - 5 points
  • Question 17: reading comprehension (true/falseor multiple choice) - 5 marks
  • Question18: 1 listening comprehension activity (multiple choice) - 1 mark


The English B1 PC-based exam tests B1 language skills and abilities.

The exercises are similar in typologies to those offered for practice in Module 4 of the online course.

The pass mark is 60% correct answers.

There may be an oral exam after the test if required by the lecturer. If necessary, students will be informed promptly or via email.

Find below a description of the six types of exercise and their relevant allocated points:

  • Question 1: Use of English/Reading comprehension - (a gapped text with 10 4-option questions) - 10 marks.
    This is a text in which some sentences need completing. Each gap has a drop-down menu with four options of which you need to choose the correct one. The grammar structures which are tested are the ones in the B1 syllabus and include tenses; progressive and participle aspect; vocabulary; prepositions; adverbs; adjectives; relative pronouns; active and passive voice; modal verbs; type 0, one and two conditionals; direct and indirect speech; verbs followed by the –to infinitive and/or the –ing form; prepositional and phrasal verbs, etc.
  • From question 2 to question 6: signs (multiple-choice) - 5 marks
    These five questions are all of the same type: you have to read a sign, a short message, a road sign, etc. and then you answer 1 question by choosing the correct option out of three.
  • From question 7 to question 11: transformations (add up to 3 words) - 5 marks
    These five questions are all of the same type: you are given one sentence and are asked to rephrase it by completing a second sentence and trying to retain as much of the meaning of the first sentence as possible using no more than 3 words.
  • From question 12 to question 16: sentence completion (multiple choice) - 5 points
    These five questions are all of the same type: you are given a sentence with a missing word, which you need to choose from a drop-down menu with four options.
  • Question 17: reading comprehension (multiple choice) - 5 marks
    You are asked to read a whole text, even more than once, with the aim of answering the five multiple choice questions at the end.
  • Question18: 1 listening comprehension activity (multiple choice) - 1 mark
    You are required to listen to a recording  and answer three three-option questions  at the end.

Exam schedule

Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note
19/01/2023 09:00 GENOVA Scritto
08/02/2023 09:00 GENOVA Scritto
30/05/2023 09:00 GENOVA Scritto
29/06/2023 09:00 GENOVA Scritto
06/09/2023 09:00 GENOVA Scritto


Find detailed information on the English B1 Assessment Test at the following page.

Find detailed information on the English B1 course and exam sessions on Aulaweb (Moodle), each year a new page for the ENGLISH LANGUAGE - 27975 is created and students need to sign up.

For the academic year 2021-2022, here's the link ENGLISH LANGUAGE - 27975.

Special needs students and/or students with any learning issue should submit an application form to Settore servizi di supporto alla disabilità e agli studenti con DSA - unless they did so when they pre-enrolled. The admin staff will offer information about support offered while attending university courses - for instance longer time in tests/exams (a clear request must be sent via email to the lecturer and the person in charge in each department must be copied in); a peer-tutoring figure who can offer guidance and support in learning English (online and/or in presence course); etc. Please find further information at this link.