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CODE 108708
SEMESTER 2° Semester
Propedeuticità in ingresso
Per sostenere l'esame di questo insegnamento è necessario aver sostenuto i seguenti esami:
  • Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering 8722 (coorte 2024/2025)
  • ENGLISH B1+ 108707 2024


All newly enrolled students are required to sit a level B1 English Assessment Test (AT) or upload a valid English language certificate level B1 or above. If you do not pass the English B1 test, you will receive an invitation to attend an online B1 English course on the Aulaweb, i.e. "Progetto Inglese". Those students who have the exam 108708 - LINGUA INGLESE B2 in their career and do not pass B1 English Assessment Test (AT), are strongly recommended to take part in the Progetto inglese before attending the LINGUA INGLESE B2 course.




This teaching unit aims at consolidating the level of knowledge of the English language corresponding to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).


Please see the CEFR level description below.

B2 Vantage or Upper-Intermediate

  • Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation.
  • Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party.
  • Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

For further information on the various levels from A1 and A2 to B1, as well as higher ones, such as B2, C1 and C2, please check the British Council website either in Italian or in English.

In addition, during the course, students will acquire:

- the ability to manage their social interactions

- collaborative attitude

- awareness of their own learning strategies

- organisation and evaluation of personal learning

- understanding of their own needs and ways of developing competences

- ability to identify and pursue learning objectives.



B1 level is highly recommended.

All students who attended the school system in Italy had English as a compulsory subject for 13 years, i.e. 5 years at primary school, 3 years at middle school and at high-school for 5 more years. Therefore, all students graduating from Italian secondary schools are expected to reach the B2 level before enrolling at university. 



The online English B1 course is a self-directed learning course and is available at the following link

Completion of the English Language B2 online course is compulsory for admission to the examination.

Lectures (30 hours, in presence) to support completion of the English Language B2 online course (in the second semester). Attendance of 50% of the classes is required.

The lessons in presence are interactive and include group work, peer evaluation, peer learning, problem-based learning.

The online English B2 course offers self-learning material, aimed at catching up with English B2 grammar and syntax structures and training to sit the PC-based English B2 test. It's a trainer course meant to offer you enough revision to be able to sit the English B2 test.

As a self-learning activity, the online English B2 course is meant to be carried out with maximum freedom to fit in with each student's own needs, learning pace, timetable, and other classes.

However, it is strongly recommended that the online English B2 course is attended consistently, that is, devoting at least 20/30 minutes to it each day when students start working on it. Consistency will allow students to progress more efficiently in their revision and get ready to sit the English B2 test.

Working students and students with a certified DSA, disability or other special educational needs are advised to contact the lecturer at the beginning of the course in order to agree on teaching and examination methods that, while respecting the teaching objectives, take into account individual learning methods.


The online English B2 course is available at and it is made of three modules and two "Exam practice". The first three modules are exercises, activities and grammar focuses aimed at revising B2 level skills and abilities that learners should have already learnt at school. The two Exam practice are mock tests that allow students to familiarise with the exam activities and structures. 

The online English B2 course offers self-learning material, aimed at catching up with English B2 grammar and syntax structures and training to sit the PC-based English B2 test. It's a trainer course meant to offer you enough revision to be able to sit the English B2 test.

The English B2 test structure is as follows:

  • 1 cloze test - 15 gaps - one text with fifteen multiple-choice gaps, each one with 4 options; 10 marks in total;
  • 4 grammar-based cloze sentences - 1 multiple-choice gap with 4 options to choose from; 1 mark per sentence = 4 marks in total;
  • 4 vocabulary-based cloze sentences - 1 multiple-choice gap with  4  options to choose from; 1 mark per sentence = 4 marks in total;
  • 3 sentence transformation tasks - 3 sentences to transform using a given word; 2.00 marks per sentence = 6.00 marks in total;
  • 3 word formation tasks - 3 sentences with one gap each to fill in by adapting a given word to form a new one; 1.00 marks per sentence = 3.00 marks in total;
  • 1 reading comprehension activity - one multiple choice question with 4 options; 1 mark per question = 1.00 mark in total;
  • 2 listening tasks - 2 recordings each followed by one question with three options to choose from; 2.00 marks in total. 

Test duration: 25 minutes.


The online English B2  course is a self-directed learning course and is available at the following link

Please find below, some further suggestions and useful free online resources.

  • It is strongly recommended that students work on expanding their vocabulary and grammar in context, that is, they learn words and grammar structures inside a text. Here is a piece of advice: read as much as you can, for example paper and/or online newspapers, magazines, books. Also, listen to what you read as you read it (enable English subtitles whenever available), this will also offer you practice with the listening skills. Be consistent and devote some time to any activity in English on an daily basis.
  • As grammar reference, use 'English Grammar in Use' by Raymond Murphy (upper-intermediate edition, Cambridge University Press).  
  • English B2 vocabulary and grammar can also be practised on Learning English choose the "Upper-Intermediate English" level. 
  • English B2 vocabulary and grammar can also be practised on BBC - Learning English choose the "Upper-Intermediate English" level
  • When looking for a dictionary try and use an English to English one. There is a very good online resource called  OneLook  that offers many different types of dictionaries. The one we suggest you use is the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, which always comes with phonemic script and audio.


Exam Board


MONA NISHIZAKI (President Substitute)

LAURA SANTINI (President Substitute)



The English B2 course is an online sef-learning course and can be accessed at the following URL

Freshers or newly enrolled students who fail the English B1 Assessment Test are automatically redirected to the online English B1 course that they should work on in order to get ready to attend the English B2 course and prepare to sit the English B2 test.

The start of classes (in the second semester) in presence will be announced on the Aulaweb page 2024 of the course "108708 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE B2".

Class schedule

The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy



The English B2 test is a PC-based one and the structure is as follows:

  • 1 cloze test - 15 gaps - one text with fifteen multiple-choice gaps, each one with 4 options; 10 marks in total;
  • 4 grammar-based cloze sentences - 1 multiple-choice gap with 4 options to choose from; 1 mark per sentence = 4 marks in total;
  • 4 vocabulary-based cloze sentences - 1 multiple-choice gap with  4  options to choose from; 1 mark per sentence = 4 marks in total;
  • 3 sentence transformation tasks - 3 sentences to transform using a given word; 2.00 marks per sentence = 6.00 marks in total;
  • 3 word formation tasks - 3 sentences with one gap each to fill in by adapting a given word to form a new one; 1.00 marks per sentence = 3.00 marks in total;
  • 1 reading comprehension activity - one multiple choice question with 4 options; 1 mark per question = 1.00 mark in total;
  • 2 listening tasks - 2 recordings each followed by one question with three options to choose from; 2.00 marks in total. 

Test duration: 25 minutes.


The English B2 PC-based exam tests B2 language skills and abilities.

The exercises are similar to those offered for practice in the last part of the online course.

The pass mark is 60% correct answers.

There may be an oral exam after the test if required by the lecturer. If necessary, students will be informed promptly or via email.

Exam schedule

Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note
17/01/2025 09:00 GENOVA Scritto
11/02/2025 09:00 GENOVA Scritto
04/06/2025 09:00 GENOVA Scritto
10/07/2025 09:00 GENOVA Scritto
11/09/2025 09:00 GENOVA Scritto


Find detailed information on the English B1 Assessment Test at the following page.

Find detailed information on the English B2 course and exam sessions on Aulaweb (Moodle), on the 108708 - LINGUA INGLESE B2​.