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"THE NECESSARY MUSEUM. Maps for complex times' - Castello D'Albertis event on 23 May 2024

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Castello D'Albertis Museo delle Culture del Mondo
Corso Dogali 18, Genoa

Thursday 23 May, 6 p.m.
The MUSEUM NEEDEDED Maps for complex times
(Nomos editions, 2023)
meeting with the editors
Simona Bodo and Anna Chiara Cimoli in conversation with Amina Gaia Abdelouahab and Maria Camilla De Palma

The book investigates the role of the museum as a space of citizenship, a garrison of democratic participation, a resource to draw on creatively to rethink our way of being in a world in crisis.

The museum, in the reading proposed by the numerous Italian and international voices present in the book, is an institution no longer retreating into the past and the uncritical cult of 'beauty', but capable of intercepting the urgencies and expectations of citizens, of building relationships, of considering its traditional functions (protection, research and exhibition) as spaces for the creation of social value.

In this perspective, interpretations are always multiple, histories fluid, collections a common good: because being 'relevant' is a far more complex challenge than being 'accessible'.

Free meeting
info: 010 5578280 -
The museum will be open until 10 p.m. and can be visited with a reduced ticket by participants.

Simona Bodois a museologist, researcher and independent consultant on issues related to the social role of museums and the development of open and plural 'heritage communities'. Co-founder of the working group Heritage of Stories, she is responsible for the Heritage and Interculture programme and the website of the same name, promoted by Fondazione ISMU-Iniziative e Studi sulla Multietnicità. She is on the Advisory Board of the Solidarity in Action Network, an international network of museum professionals, academics, social workers and activists.

Anna Chiara Cimoli, art historian and museologist, teaches at the University of Bergamo. She deals with the relationship between social museology, migration and participatory practices. Since 2020 she has been co-designer of MUBIG, the community museum of the Greco district in Milan (with ABCittà and Pinacoteca di Brera). Scientific director of the series Museologia presente of Nomos edizioni, she is co-editor of the visual studies magazine "Roots§Routes" and president of the CASVA Foundation.

Amina Gaia Abdelouahab, art historian and critic, is author, content creator, smm and copywriter for the newspaper Goodmorning Genova and coordinator of communication and the Culture Area of the Coop. Ce.Sto / Giardini Luzzati, where she curates the weekly review "Charlas" and artistic and cultural initiatives; she has collaborated on cultural, social and urban regeneration projects, including #SpaziatureComuni, Space, #FareCentroFuoriLuogo, Progetto di Comunità per il Centro Storico. Author for 'Juliet Art Magazine' and 'Wall:Out Magazine' and independent curator.

Maria Camilla De Palma, museum anthropologist, head of Castello D'Albertis Museo delle Culture del Mondo in Genoa since 1991, has created exhibitions, workshops and events in dialogue with indigenous peoples, as well as with communities of immigrant citizens, artists, performers and musicians. He has collaborated with the Hopi Tribal Council (Arizona), the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution, Washington) and the Peabody Museum of Ethnology and Anthropology (Harvard University). Through exhibitions and new displays, he is exploring and experimenting with polysensoriality and polyphony in museums, working with the blind and deaf, for accessibility to all audiences and cultures.