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Research training course

Un'opportunità per i migliori studenti

Il Percorso di Formazione alla Ricerca (PFR) ha lo scopo di valorizzare la formazione degli studenti interessati ad attività di approfondimento nell'ambito della ricerca.

Se sei uno studente meritevole e motivato, il programma è diretto a te e prevede una progressiva partecipazione all'attività di ricerca che permette di sviluppare la capacità di concepire e svolgere un progetto autonomo.

Durante il percorso imparerai:

  • rigore scientifico
  • metodo
  • capacità analitica
  • capacità critica e cultura

in modo da apprendere il corretto approccio ai problemi di ricerca e alla loro soluzione.

Saranno incentivati il lavoro di gruppo e, parallelamente, la leadership, con l’obiettivo di comunicare la passione per la ricerca, potenziare le capacità personali, evidenziare eventuali criticità e aree di miglioramento, sviluppare l’autonomia di giudizio e la creatività scientifica.

Al termine del percorso formativo riceverai il Diploma Supplement: una certificazione dell'attività svolta.

Projects a.y. 2023/24

Project No. 1

Proposing teacher and tutor
. Prof. Laura Stagno

The goal of the project is to enable a student to analyze particularly significant iconographies - such as, by way of example, those centered on the figure of Prometheus - with focus on specific case studies, between the Moralized Ovid and modern-age painting.

Educational Objectives:

  1. Acquisition of skills and critical tools useful for the analysis of figurative texts strongly related to textual sources
  2. .
  3. Development of organizational skills of working time, which will alternate between a series of activities such as readings and presentation of results in written and oral form

Student Role
. The following are proposed to interested students

  • the writing of a written paper under the supervision of the tutor teacher;
  • the presentation of the results at a seminar among faculty, researchers, doctoral students and students.

The student may keep up to date through participation in seminars and presentations on relevant topics. The research and studies carried out during the project, should the student so desire, may form the first part of the work for a master's thesis having the mentor teacher as the supervisor and dedicated to an agreed case study.

Eventual deadlines
. Presentation of results as part of a possible seminar by June 2024.

Project No. 2

Proposing teacher and tutor
. Prof. Eliana Carrara

The project aims to reiterate how Aby Warburg's teaching and writings have strongly marked the art historiography of the twentieth century, both on this side and across the ocean. Rereading a selection of texts by leading scholars of iconography and iconology (from Saxl and Panofsky to Belting and Chiara Frugoni) can be a useful exercise in focusing on the centrality of certain research themes from the late nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth century (and even, beyond that, to the 2000s).

Educational Objectives

  1. Students' approach to bibliography that is often cited but, at times, considered in a biased way, which would instead be approached with a long view.

Student Role
. The following are proposed to interested students

  • the writing of a written paper under the supervision of the tutor teacher;
  • the presentation of the results at a seminar among faculty, researchers, doctoral students and students.

Eventual deadlines
. Presentation of results as part of a possible seminar by June 2024.

Project No. 3

Proposing teacher and tutor
. Prof. Sara Rulli

The objective of the project is to enable a student or student to explore the topic of analyzing graphic and archival sources for the study of modern architecture within its context, urban and otherwise. Specifically, the proposed project will allow students to work on the reading of the graphic language, both historical and contemporary, of architecture, analyzing, together with the tutor teacher and in the various relevant locations (e.g. Genoa State Archives, Historical Archives of the Municipality, DOCSAI Center), archival documents, drawings, cartographies at the urban and territorial scale, photographs, projects and surveys, calculations and contracts; in this context, the reading of architectural drawing - plans, elevations, sections - will also be addressed, as well as the collection of a reasoned and updated reference bibliography useful for the history of architectural artifacts in the modern age (in the Genoese and non-Genoese sphere).

Educational Objectives

  1. Learn how to make the best use of graphic and documentary sources referring to modern architecture, including through the use of databases and digital archives found online
  2. Develop skills of analysis and critical reading of graphic and technical sources related to architecture in addition to knowledge related to their reproduction
  3. Acquire and use the terms of the technical language of the field

Student Role

  • Collaborate with the tutor lecturer in the compilation of a reasoned and up-to-date reference bibliography useful for the history of architectural and urban artifacts in the modern age.
  • Update through participation in seminars and presentations.
  • The research and studies carried out during the project, should the student so desire, may form the first part of a master's thesis having the tutor as supervisor and dedicated to an agreed case study.

. The project is to be developed within the first six months from the start of the second academic year, with a possible submission by June 2024.

How to participate

To participate in the Research Training you must send the application by midnight Friday October 27, 2023, to the email address:


Below you will find the notice and the form you can use to apply. You will need to attach the following to your application:

  • laboratory/thesis of the previous course (in pdf)
  • self-certification of exams taken in the first year of the LM89 course


You can enter the contest if you are a student:

  • enrolled in the second year of the master's degree program in Art History and Enhancement of the Art Route and you have acquired at least 36 CFUs provided by the first-year curriculum with an average grade of not less than 27/30.

Eligibility interview

To assess your suitability you are also scheduled for an interview with a Commission, covering the following topics:

a) Summary outline of the methodology underlying the previous three-year paper
b) Discussion of the chosen research project


The eligibility interview will take place online on the Teams platform Friday, November 10, 2023 from 9:30 a.m..
The access code for the virtual classroom will be communicated to candidates via email.

Admission ranking

In order to allocate the three available positions, the committee will draw up an admission ranking list which will be published by November 16, 2023 on this same web page.

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Course Coordinator and Chair of the PFR Committee of the CdS in Art History and Art Heritage Enhancement

Daniele Sanguineti:

PFR Commission:

  • Daniele Sanguineti (Chair)
  • .
  • Laura Stagno
  • Eliana Carrara
  • Sara Rulli