Admission requirements You can enroll in the course if you hold one of these titles: Bachelor's degree in one of the classes specified below ex D.M. 270/2004 (L-1 Cultural Heritage; L-3 Disciplines of Figurative Arts, Music, Performing Arts and Fashion; L-4 Industrial Design; L-5 Philosophy; L-10 Humanities; L-11 Modern Languages and Cultures; L-15 Tourism Sciences; L-17 Architectural Sciences; L-19 Education and Training Sciences; L-20 Communication Sciences; L-40 Sociology; L-42 History; L-43 Technologies for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage) and ex D.M. 509/1999 (4. Architectural Sciences and Construction Engineering; 5. Humanities; 11. Modern languages and cultures; 13. Cultural heritage sciences; 14. Communication sciences; 18. Education and training sciences; 23. Science and technology of visual arts, music, performing arts and fashion; 29. Philosophy; 36. Sociological sciences; 38. Historical sciences; 39. Tourism sciences; 41. Technologies for the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage);. the former four-year degree recognized as eligible;. level academic degree issued by an institution belonging to the AFAM system that allows the recognition of 54 CFUs related to educational activities essential for the LM-89 class in Art History; foreign degree that allows the recognition of the 54 CFUs related to indispensable educational activities for the LM-89 class in Art History. Did you get your degree abroad? Yes If you graduated abroad, you will have to take a proof of Italian language proficiency. If you graduated abroad, you will have to take a proof of Italian language proficiency. No If you graduated in Italy, continue reading. If you graduated in Italy, continue reading. Curricular requirements If you have obtained a Bachelor's degree in Conservation of Cultural Heritage (also ex DM 509/99 and ex DM 270/04) from the University of Genoa or from other universities (but with the 'historical-artistic heritage' curriculum), you do not have to undergo the verification of the curricular requirements, but you can go directly to the admission interview. You will be exempt from the latter if you have obtained a degree mark of 104/110 or higher. Otherwise, you must apply for an assessment of your curricular requirements by sending an email to the Co-ordinator (, enclosing self-certification of the examinations you have taken in your previous career. The Co-ordinator will check that, in your previous career, you have taken: at least 54 CFU in the following scientific-disciplinary fields, considered indispensable as basic knowledge: L-ANT/07 Classical Archaeology; L-ANT/08 Christian and Medieval Archaeology; L-ART/01 Medieval Art History; L-ART/02 Modern Art History; L-ART/03 Contemporary Art History; L-ART/04 Museology and Art and Restoration Criticism; L-FIL-LET/02 Greek Language and Literature; L-FIL-LET/04 Latin Language and Literature; L-FIL-LET/08 Medieval and Humanistic Latin Literature; L-FIL-LET/10 Italian Literature; L-FIL-LET/11 Contemporary Italian Literature; ICAR/13 Industrial Design; ICAR/16 Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design; ICAR/18 History of Architecture; M-FIL/04 Aesthetics; M-STO/01 Medieval History; M-STO/02 Modern History; M-STO/04 Contemporary History; M-STO/06 History of Religions; M-STO/07 History of Christianity and the churches; M-STO/08 Archivistics, bibliography and librarianship, of which compulsorily at least 24 CFU in at least three of the scientific-disciplinary fields L-ART/01, L-ART/02, L-ART/03, L-ART/04, ICAR/18. If there is a lack of CFUs in the above-mentioned SSDs, you will have to make up for it by taking specific examinations (bridging career). You can apply for assessment of curricular requirements even if you are an undergraduate. Attachments Document Domanda di valutazione dei requisiti curriculari Storia dell'arte e valorizzazione del patrimonio artistico
2. Register and pre-register To enroll in this course of study, you must go through the online process that includes registration and pre-registration (for more information you can watch theTUTORIAL). UniGe Portal Registration If you have never been enrolled at the University of Genoa, access the UniGe Portal and get your UniGePASS credentials (for more information you can watch the TUTORIAL). Pre-registration Make apply for pre-registration using the UniGePASS credentials you received with your registration. To learn about the deadlines and how you can enroll in UniGe check out the pages Dates and Enrollment
3. Sostieni la verifica della preparazione personale Go to the page dedicated to Personal Readiness Check.
4. Confirm registration confirmation that you want to the course of study of your choice from those indicated in the pre-registration you have already entered, pay the first installment of fees according to the modalities and the deadlines indicated.