What is The Assessment of Adequacy of Personal Readiness is the tool provided by the Educational Regulations to assess your preparation for the purpose of matriculation to the Master's Degree.
Who should conduct the Verification You will be automatically admitted and therefore exempt from the admission test if you have a bachelor's degree in Conservation of Cultural Heritage, 'historical-artistic heritage' curriculum (ex DM 509/99 and ex DM 270/04) obtained at the University of Genoa or at other universities (subject to verification, for the latter, of the study plan) with a degree mark of 104/110 or higher. How to access To take the Verification of Adequacy of Graduate Personal Preparation you must do the pre-registration so as to be on the lists of students who must take the test. Following this, if the test is successful, you must confirm your matriculation. For pre-registration and the test you will not have to pay anything. Payment of the registration fee and the regional fee is due upon confirmation of registration. The registration fee and the regional fee are due upon confirmation of registration. N.B.: Pre-registration and verification of personal suitability are free of charge. Payment of the registration fee and regional fee is expected upon confirmation of registration.. How it works If you have not graduated from the Bachelor's degree in Conservation of Cultural Heritage (in the 'historical-artistic heritage' curriculum), please contact the Course Coordinator (prof. Daniele Sanguineti), to check your situation. If you do not have the necessary requirements, you will have to acquire them prior to enrollment in the Master's Course with a career-bridge. The Coordinator will issue you with the statement of the educational debt to be fulfilled, i.e. the list of supplementary exams to be taken, the number of CFUs of each and the name of the lecturer to be referred to. For information on career-bridge registration you can send an email to studenti.uma@unige.it. You will need to: send an email, enclosing the statement issued by the coordinator, to the following address studenti.uma@unige.it in order to continue the enrollment practice contact the individual teachers and agree on the schedule and date of the exam, which you can also take outside the regular sessions. When you have passed your last exam (compulsorily by February of the year following matriculation, i.e. coinciding with the course registration deadline), contact the Coordinator again, who will unlock your position in the UniGe database. The next day you will be able to enroll with the normal procedure. For everyone:. If you meet the curricular requirements, in order to enroll in the Course you will have to pass an admission test in which you will be asked to read, identify and place in the chronological and cultural context some works of art. To book the test, send an mail to the Coordinator. Where and when You must book the rehearsal by sending an email at least two days in advance to Course Council Coordinator Prof. Daniele Sanguineti (daniele.sanguineti@unige.it). . I session: 16 September 2024 II session: 28 October 2024 III session: 29 November 2024 IV session: 17 January 2025 V session: 27 February 2025