To register for the Course you will have to take a test of initial knowledge. The test is not selective nor does it prefigure any closed number.
Do you have a foreign baccalaureate degree? Yes If you have a foreign baccalaureate diploma, you will have to take a test of knowledge of the Italian language. If you fail the test, you will have to take a remedial Italian language course at the Scuola di Lingua e Cultura Italiana per Studenti Stranieri.. You will also have to take an initial knowledge test like all other students. No Continue reading.
Verification of the initial preparation of this course is through TE.L.E.MA.CO, a TEst of Logic AND MAthematic and Verbal COmprehension. TE.L.E.MA.CO is a self-assessment test that allows you to gain awareness of your level of preparedness, and the areas that need improvement, in order to successfully tackle your first year of study. The test assesses some basic and some more advanced skills, depending on the course of study. The verification is mandatory and can be taken on three dates, in September, October and November. You can confirm enrollment, attend classes and take in-progress tests even if you have not passed or have not yet taken the verification. If you do not pass the verification (or if you do not attend any of its three editions) you will be given Additional Educational Obligations (OFA) which you can fulfill by December through a self-training online course and by passing a verification (TE.S.E.O.) for which there are 3 editions. If you have not yet made up the OFAs by the end of December, you will have to take some first-year exams as a priority and, until you have passed at least 12 CFUs of those exams, you will be prevented from taking the other exams. If, at the beginning of the second year, you have not yet made up your OFAs, you will be able to register for the second time, but as a repeater, and will not be able to plan to take teachings from years beyond the first. Visit the UniGe page of TE.L.E.MA.CO. for more information about: test dates and arrangements exemptions manner of passing OFAs Are you a student with disability orDSA? Remember that you are entitled to take the test in different ways. All necessary information is available at the web page dedicated to TE.L.E.MA.CO. and, in particular, in the section Students with disabilities and DSA. The link to register for the test is available in the Booking for the test section of the webpage TE.L.E.MA.CO.
English Language - B1 Test Do you want to choose English as an in-depth study language or as a third language? Yes If you want to choose English as one of two languages of in-depth study or as a third language you must take and pass the B1 level test. What it is The B1 test is taken online through the AulaWeb platform. It lasts 20 minutes and is similar, in structure, to the PET exam. To prepare yourself you can avail yourself of a simulation of the test. If you fail the testyou can still enroll in this course but without choosing English as your language of study. N.B. Remember that you can take the B1 Test only once per academic year. Do you have a certification? If you have an international English language certification of level B1 or higher (only if taken on or after May 2020), you are exempt from the test and automatically admitted to study English. Certifications recognized:. Cambridge (PET and up). Trinity ISE, IELTS (with at least 4.0 points) TOEFL iBT (with at least 42 points) IGCSE (at least D) Certifications not recognized: Trinity Graded Examinations in Spoken English (GESE). all certifications issued by summer schools, even if indicating the level achieved To present the international certification and be exempt from the test you must: be pre-registered for this course log onto the AulaWeb portal with your UniGePASS credentials and search for the Request Certification Recognition section Once you have uploaded your certification you will receive a message, in time to your test dates, to notify you whether or not you have been exempted from the test. N.B.If you have more than one certification we recommend that you submit the most recent and/or highest level certification. If in doubt you can submit more than one, you will just have to perform the upload procedure for each certification. When and how to enroll To get all information on test dates and how to register, book and take the test, visit the dedicated page. If you are not a first-year If you are not considered a freshman because you have a previous career (you are transferring to Modern Languages and Cultures from another course of study, you already hold a bachelor's degree, or you are already enrolled in a year after the first year of Modern Languages and Cultures and wish to transfer to English from another language or to enter English as a third language), you cannot take the English Assessment test together with TELEMACO, but you still need to demonstrate a B1 or higher level of English in order to choose English as your language of study at LCM. If you are already a graduate student and have taken undergraduate English examinations at a level of at least B1 in the course of study you have taken, or if you make a transition to LCM from a course of study in which you have taken undergraduate English examinations at a level of at least B1, you may be exempted from the B1 test by requesting recognition of your previous career in the Registrar's Office. If you have no attestation of your English level nor any university English exams in your previous career, contact Prof. Ilaria Rizzato to take the B1 English test in a dedicated session for non-freshmen. Remember that if you have an English certificate among those considered valid for the University Assessment Test or if you have already obtained a B1 or higher test badge at Unige, you do not have to take the B1 test. Contacts For information, visit the dedicated page or write to No You don't have to take the B1 Test.