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Info 2024/2025

Duration 2 years
CFU 120
Class LM-14
Access Free access
Locations GENOVA
Language Italian
Teaching mode In-person
Head of programme MARCO BERISSO
Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions
Student exchange International destinations and partners
Contacts Read more here
Orari delle lezioni EasyAcademy

The course in brief


The Course, at the crossroads of linguistic-literary, historical, historical-artistic and performing arts disciplines, offers a cultural profile expendable in teaching and various professional activities and is the natural continuation of the Bachelor of Arts degree.

The choice of one or the other curriculum, Modern Literature or Entertainment, orients the student towards Italianistics and medieval studies or the performing arts.

Learning by doing

Theater, film and music workshops - with participation in live rehearsals; conferences, lectures, seminars; internships and professionalizing internships at libraries, theaters, foundations and cultural institutions.

Professional outlets

Teacher in secondary school, official at libraries and archives, consultant and collaborator at publishing houses and press organs, collaborator at theaters and musical institutions, author of texts, university researcher.

What you will learn

leggere la realtà e i suoi linguaggi

impiegare i più sofisticati strumenti di analisi testuale di carattere filologico e interpretativo

sviluppare una coscienza culturale complessa

considerare gli elementi della storia di una civiltà che contribuiscono a dar vita a un'opera d'arte

comprendere la storia dei fenomeni culturali

indagare le tradizioni dei testi e della cultura occidentale

conoscere le forme delle performing arts

analizzare il contributo delle performing arts alla nostra civiltà e scoprire i meccanismi che stanno all’origine di sceneggiature, copioni, libretti e partiture


In addition to the literary aspect, the course privileges that of entertainment, in view of the importance this creative field has assumed in modernity. The chronological span addressed ranges from the Middle Ages to the contemporary. 

The texts - literary, musical, spectacular, etc. - and thus philology are the basis of the studies. The linguistic aspect is not neglected even beyond literature while history and geography intervene to place the texts in space and time.

The study of other artistic expressions - performance in music, theater, film and television, and figurative - complements the study of literary texts.

The course promotes the development of autonomy of judgment, that is, a critical attitude indispensable both for appropriating a proper research attitude and for directing oneself toward a profession.


Marco Berisso

The course is designed for those who love and wish to deepen their understanding of the beauty of the word, of a text, a performance, a film; for those who believe that these are not just ephemeral and marginal experiences, but who want to understand them from the inside, to grasp the meaning of activities that are so crucial for every person and every civilization. The privilege of devoting the last two years of a university course to these studies can be transformed into the transmission of such beauty through one's work.

Marco Berisso

Where we are

The headquarters of the School of Humanities and its related departments are located in the area around Via Balbi and Piazza della Nunziata. Some of these palazzi are historical palaces of the city of Genoa, known as 'Palazzi dei Rolli'.

For the distribution of the Departments see the acronyms:
DAFIST = Department of Antiquities, Philosophy and History
DIRAAS = Department of Italianistics, Romanistics, Antiquities, Arts and Entertainment
DLCM = Department of Modern Languages and Cultures

  • via Balbi 2 (Palazzo Balbi Cattaneo): Chair, Aula Magna, classrooms number 1 to number 9, offices and offices of the DAFIST and DIRAAS teachers, Library
  • via Balbi 4 (Palazzo Balbi Senarega): Humanities Student Desk, classrooms E, F, G, H, M, N, P, DAFIST teachers' offices and studios, DIRAAS, Library
  • via Balbi 6 (Palazzo Balbi Raggio): classrooms I, Q, R, S, Library of the School of Humanities
  • via Balbi 30: DAFIST teachers' studios
  • .
  • via delle Fontane 10: Teaching Centre, classrooms A to M and Aula Magna, LaLim Laboratory
  • piazza Santa Sabina 2: DLCM offices and teachers' studios, Library

Read more

Humanities Student One-Stop Shop

Via Balbi 4 - ground floor
16126 Genova
+39 010 209 51690
website (for info and to book an appointment)

You can write to to get information about:

  • registrations and enrolments; transfers; course transitions
  • recognitions from other careers
  • admission to pathways leading to enrolment in master's degrees (Bridge careers)
  • resumption of studies;
  • suspension and renunciation of studies
  • request for certificates; request for duplicates
  • enrolment in individual educational activities

You can write to to obtain information:

  • general information on courses of study
  • .
  • about study plans
  • on applying for a degree
  • .

Other reference offices and useful contacts:


Welcome Office

Disability and DSA

Tax and Benefits Office

Internships Office

International Mobility Desk

Student Representatives

Course Committees and Referees

Documents and Forms

Guidelines and Regulations

Students with disabilities or DSAs are reminded that in order to request adaptations for examinations, they must first enter their certification on the University website at the page in the "Students" section (you will find instructions on how to enter it online in the attachment). The documentation will be checked by the University's Services for the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities and DSA Department (
. Subsequently, at least 10 days before the date of the exam, an e-mail must be sent to the teacher with whom the exam will be taken, including in copy knowledge of both the School Contact Person for the inclusion of students with disabilities and with DSA (Prof. Elisabetta Colagrossi: and the Sector indicated above. The e-mail must specify:

  • surname, name and matriculation number;
  • .
  • course of study
  • teaching name;
  • date of the call and method of the examination (written or oral);
  • compensatory tools and dispensatory measures deemed functional and required
  • .

The contact person will confirm to the teacher that the applicant has the right to request adaptations in the examination and that these adaptations must be agreed upon with the teacher. The lecturer will respond by informing the applicant whether the requested adaptations can be used.

The lecturer will inform the applicant whether the requested adaptations can be used. Requests must be sent at least 10 days before the date of the exam in order to allow the lecturer to assess their content. In particular, if you intend to use concept maps
conceptual maps for the exam (which must be much more concise than the maps used for the study) if the submission does not respect the deadline, there will not be the technical time necessary to make any changes.

For further information on requesting services and adaptations please consult the Guidelines.

Students with disabilities or DSAs are reminded that in order to request adaptations for examinations, they must first enter their certification on the University website at the page in the "Students" section (you will find instructions on how to enter it online in the attachment). The documentation will be checked by the University's Services for the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities and DSA Department (
. Subsequently, at least 10 days before the date of the exam, an e-mail must be sent to the teacher with whom the exam will be taken, including in copy knowledge of both the School Contact Person for the inclusion of students with disabilities and with DSA (Prof. Elisabetta Colagrossi: and the Sector indicated above. The e-mail must specify:

  • surname, name and matriculation number;
  • .
  • course of study
  • teaching name;
  • date of the call and method of the examination (written or oral);
  • compensatory tools and dispensatory measures deemed functional and required
  • .

The contact person will confirm to the teacher that the applicant has the right to request adaptations in the examination and that these adaptations must be agreed upon with the teacher. The lecturer will respond by informing the applicant whether the requested adaptations can be used.

The lecturer will inform the applicant whether the requested adaptations can be used. Requests must be sent at least 10 days before the date of the exam in order to allow the lecturer to assess their content. In particular, if you intend to use concept maps
conceptual maps for the exam (which must be much more concise than the maps used for the study) if the submission does not respect the deadline, there will not be the technical time necessary to make any changes.

For further information on requesting services and adaptations please consult the Guidelines.