Course Council This is the body that can help you solve problems in your course. You can contact us for problems affecting the organization of your course and teaching. What does it do? The most important functions concern:. mediating the relationship between students and faculty approve student files (study plan, Erasmus exam recognition, exam recognition from previous career) evaluate educational offerings approve curricular and extracurricular activities (events, internships, conferences) Representatives Irene Gulli - Erika Lunghi - Emanuele Rapisarda - Department Council The Department Council is the body where decisions are made regarding the activities carried out by the Department. You can contact us for matters related to the organization of teaching and research. What does it do? The Department Council is responsible for approving:. internal economic issues educational offerings examination appeals and graduation sessions research projects Representatives Alice Federici - Iacopo Gentile - Sofia Diletta Macciò - Alice Capobianco (PhD student) - Bianca Romano (postgraduate) - School Board He is in charge of facilities management and the departments that are part of it. You can contact us for problems regarding assessment questionnaires, classroom and space management. What does it do? The School Board deals with:. facilities and services calendar of educational activities educational offerings management costs examination of course and teaching evaluation forms approval of some departmental decisions Representatives Margherita Gammarrota - Academic Senate It is the UniGe governing body with policy and teaching direction: you can contact us to resolve issues of university policy and space management in the University. What does it do? The most important functions are:. establish and amend regulations offer opinions to the board of directors provide an opinion on the budget and management of finances manage the educational offerings of UniGe Contact Student Representatives in Academic Senate - Representatives Carlo Riccardo Raggi Alessandro Cogorno Benedetta Motta Alessandro Agazzi Velazquez Board of Directors It is the university's governing body of policy and financial direction: you can contact us for general issues about the student fee system and the management of UniGe's spaces/facilities. What does it do? The most important decisions concern:. approval of the budget forecasting future expenditures use of financial and personnel resources determination of fees and benefits Contact Student Representatives on the Board of Trustees, Representatives Anna Benedetta Barbato Antonio Bertani Joint Committee on Teaching and the Right to Study. The Joint Commission for Teaching and the Right to Study (CPDS) is established in each School of the University as a monitoring body on the organization and performance of teaching, tutoring and any other services provided to students. You can contact us to report general problems regarding teaching and student services and suggestions for their improvement. What does it do? The CPDS is mainly concerned with: making proposals directed at improving the conduct of teaching. drawing up an annual report on the effectiveness of teaching, tutoring and any other services provided to students. The report shall be forwarded to the Dean and the relevant teaching structures, which shall receive it and, taking it into appropriate account, take action to develop proposals for the improvement of related activities formulate opinions regarding the activation, deactivation and suppression of Courses of Study report to the Dean, the Coordinator of the Course of Study Council and the Director of the Department to which the Course of Study is assigned, any anomalies found in the conduct of teaching activities Representative Emanuele Rapisarda - Student Council The Student Council was established by rector's decree as the representative commission of the students of the University of Genoa with propositional functions in relation to all matters of interest to the student component. The commission is composed of: student representatives in the Academic Senate. the student representatives on the board of trustees; the vice-presidents of the joint school committees; student representative on the evaluation team; one student representative for each department, designated from among the student representatives on the relevant departmental council, other than those identified in points 1) to 4); one residents' representative, designated from among the residents' representatives elected in the departmental councils, other than those identified in points 1) to 4);one residents' representative from each department, designated from among the residents' representatives elected in the departmental councils, other than those identified in points 1) to 4); one representative of the doctoral students, designated from among their number by the representatives of the doctoral students elected in the departmental councils, other than those identified in points 1) to 4); What does it do? It issues opinions and draws up proposals on the organisation of teaching, orientation, student services, the right to study and all other activities specifically concerning students. Representatives The list and contact details of the commission members is available at the link