What is The dissertation examination consists of the discussion of a research thesis prepared under the guidance of a faculty advisor and subjected to critical examination by a co-rapporteur. The thesis should develop content: original critically crafted clearly expressed and argued framed in an up-to-date critical landscape To be admitted to the final examination, you must have passed the examinations of all the subjects included in your syllabus and earned the credits related to the other educational activities stipulated by the regulations. Attachments Document Regolamento tesi di laurea magistrale DIRAAS Document Modulo per deposito titolo tesi magistrale DIRAAS Document Modello di frontespizio Plagiarism check Students are expected to use sources properly, citing them appropriately both in the text and in the final bibliography and always quoting others' words in quotation marks. In order to counter the misuse of sources available on the web, the texts of the final papers are subjected to an anti-plagiarism check using special software. If the thesis advisor believes that the student has not used sources correctly, he or she may require the student to revise the thesis in its entirety and, if necessary, to postpone the dissertation to a later session.
What to do to graduate If you are an undergraduate you must:. 1. Choosing a graduation session The Departments of the Humanities Area of the School of Humanities provide 7 appeals, distributed as follows: June - July - October - November - December - February - March. The first useful session to be able to graduate in the last academic year of enrollment is June. The last useful session is in March of the following year. The Departments of the Humanities Area of the School of Humanities provide 7 appeals, distributed as follows: June - July - October - November - December - February - March. The first useful session to be able to graduate in the last academic year of enrollment is June. The last useful session is in March of the following year. 2. Filing the thesis title If you are an undergraduate student, you must submit the thesis title filing form at least six months in advance of the session chosen for discussion. The title entered on the form is considered provisional; the final title will be the one entered on the degree application. If you have to change the title substantially, for example, if you change the thesis topic or the thesis advisor and/or co-rapporteur, you will have to file the form again, with possible re-filing of the terms. The form, duly completed and also signed by the thesis advisor, should be sent to email tesiarealettere@unige.it. If you are an undergraduate student, you must submit the thesis title filing form at least six months in advance of the session chosen for discussion. The title entered on the form is considered provisional; the final title will be the one entered on the degree application. If you have to change the title substantially, for example, if you change the thesis topic or the thesis advisor and/or co-rapporteur, you will have to file the form again, with possible re-filing of the terms. The form, duly completed and also signed by the thesis advisor, should be sent to email tesiarealettere@unige.it. 3. Fill in the online Degree Application and Almalaurea Questionnaire To register for the graduation exam, about 2 months before the session, the service for filling out the online graduation application opens. The graduation application is filled out online from Student Portal (UnigePass authentication is required), at the same time as filling out the AlmaLaurea questionnaire. The graduation application approved online by the Lecturer NOT must be delivered to the Student Desk, as well as it is not necessary to deliver the receipt of completion of the AlmaLaurea questionnaire. By the graduation application deadline, remember to:. Check that you are current on your tax payment. Pay the stamp tax of €16 for the issuance of the Graduate Diploma (payable through the online services - payment of fees and contributions) Check that you have taken all the exams and other educational activities Check that they are all marked on your online career Non-registration of exams and other educational activities does not prevent the online completion and confirmation of the graduation application. You can make payment of the graduation stamp only after confirming the online graduation application. In order to graduate, however, you will have to check that everything is registered online. You can check your status by accessing the Graduation Dashboard. To register for the graduation exam, about 2 months before the session, the service for filling out the online graduation application opens. The graduation application is filled out online from Student Portal (UnigePass authentication is required), at the same time as filling out the AlmaLaurea questionnaire. The graduation application approved online by the Lecturer NOT must be delivered to the Student Desk, as well as it is not necessary to deliver the receipt of completion of the AlmaLaurea questionnaire. By the graduation application deadline, remember to:. Check that you are current on your tax payment. Pay the stamp tax of €16 for the issuance of the Graduate Diploma (payable through the online services - payment of fees and contributions) Check that you have taken all the exams and other educational activities Check that they are all marked on your online career Non-registration of exams and other educational activities does not prevent the online completion and confirmation of the graduation application. You can make payment of the graduation stamp only after confirming the online graduation application. In order to graduate, however, you will have to check that everything is registered online. You can check your status by accessing the Graduation Dashboard. 4. Deliver the thesis and upload it to the online portal By the deadlines indicated in the table with deadlines, you must deliver to your Rapporteur and Correlator a copy of the paper, in the manner agreed upon directly with the lecturers (delivery of a bound copy or transmission by e-mail or other service such as Wetransfer). You also need to upload the pdf file of the thesis to the dedicated portal and enter the abstract in Italian and English. The guide to uploading the thesis is available in the portal. By the deadlines indicated in the table with deadlines, you must deliver to your Rapporteur and Correlator a copy of the paper, in the manner agreed upon directly with the lecturers (delivery of a bound copy or transmission by e-mail or other service such as Wetransfer). You also need to upload the pdf file of the thesis to the dedicated portal and enter the abstract in Italian and English. The guide to uploading the thesis is available in the portal. 5. Returning any borrowed books By the deadline for submitting your dissertation you must verify that you have returned any library materials you may have borrowed from the libraries. To do this, log on to your Online Services portal > Webstudents By the deadline for submitting your dissertation you must verify that you have returned any library materials you may have borrowed from the libraries. To do this, log on to your Online Services portal > Webstudents Fill out the annual evaluation questionnaire for your course of study Compilation of questionnaires of teaching evaluation is an important tool to bring out any critical issues and weaknesses of the courses of study. If you are a regularly enrolled student, you can fill out the annual evaluation questionnaire for your course of study at the end of each academic year. N.B. The annual evaluation is not available for students enrolled out of course. You can apply for graduation only after you have completed the annual teaching evaluation questionnaire (unless the deadline has passed: then there is no block). Compilation of questionnaires of teaching evaluation is an important tool to bring out any critical issues and weaknesses of the courses of study. If you are a regularly enrolled student, you can fill out the annual evaluation questionnaire for your course of study at the end of each academic year. N.B. The annual evaluation is not available for students enrolled out of course. You can apply for graduation only after you have completed the annual teaching evaluation questionnaire (unless the deadline has passed: then there is no block). If you experience any problems in your career contact the Student One Stop Shop. In case you decide to not graduate in the session for which you have applied you should promptly notify the Single Student Desk and your Department's Thesis Office. N.B. The postponement of graduation application from one session to another does not happen automatically. You must make a request at the Single Student Desk.
Deadlines what WHERE IN WHEN Deposit of thesis title via email to tesiarealettere@unige.it at least 6 months in advance A) Application for Graduation and Almalaurea B) Registered exams and fees in good standing (including payment of the Graduation Stamp) Online services see webpage Graduation Sessions Calendar Thesis volumes to Rapporteur and Co-Rapporteur (in the manner agreed directly with the teachers) and in the online portal see the web page Degree Sessions Calendar N.B.All deadlines must be met or you will be excluded from the graduation session.
Technical Directions. Electronic presentation The dissertation sessions will be held in classrooms equipped with video projectors, using a single computer equipped with an MS Windows operating system for the candidates' presentations, where possible. The presentation should be of a size compatible with the time available (suggested length approximately 12 slides) in order to illustrate the main aspects of the thesis work. Any further details may be developed during the discussion.. If you would like to use an electronic presentation during the discussion, you can test it 30 minutes before the start of the degree session. Graduation photo shoot For the conduct of photo shoots inside university buildings, please note the following: accredited professionals, must wear an identification badge with surname first name and/or company name of the company, issued by the University during each graduation session this is without prejudice to the students' right to bring, with them and under their own responsibility, another trusted cameraman, professional or otherwise, to film during the final examination, it being understood that the same cameraman is strictly forbidden to remain on the University premises to offer his services to other undergraduates and their families. the University guarantees exclusively the disciplined, regular and efficient conduct of the ceremonies for the awarding of degrees, any agreements between the operator and the student are free, the University remains extraneous to the contractual relationship between them and cannot be held responsible, under any title, for the effects of such agreements. . For further information please refer to the attachments and the link https://unige.it/fotografi Attachments Document Regolamento della procedura di accreditamento per lo svolgimento di attività di riprese fotografiche e audiovisive Document Norme di condotta fotografi 2024 Document TABELLA B - OPERATORI ACCREDITATI
Evaluation The vote must take into account: your curricular background the result of the test discussion. To the weighted average of the marks obtained during your course of study, expressed in hundredths of a second, are added: 1 point if you participated in an international mobility programme in the course of which you successfully completed examinations for at least 12 CFUs for a period of study equal to one semester and at least 18 CFUs for a period of study equal to two consecutive semesters 1 point if you have successfully completed the PFR (Research Training Pathway), if envisaged by the degree course up to 6 points for the quality of the final exam (quality of the final paper; ability to present and discuss the paper, responding to the questions formulated by the Commission) NB:from the June 2025 session it has been decided to also award 1 point up to 2 points to those who have participated in an international mobility programme for study, internship or thesis research purposes, in accordance with the criteria set out in the Academic Regulations of the Master's Degree Course a.y. 2024/2025. When the score reaches (or exceeds) 110, the committee may unanimously award the lode on the proposal of the supervisor. You can only graduate if you have obtained a mark of no less than 66 out of 110.
Withdrawal of parchments The collection of Degree, Master's, Doctorate and Postgraduate Parchments for all schools takes place by appointment at the 'UniGe World' premises at Via Balbi 40-42 r - ground floor (opposite Via Balbi 5). Info, timetable and booking on the page Diploma collection