What are The course of study includes the obligation to acquire CFUs by performingOther Activities that are closely related to your university course and useful for your placement in the world of work. The other activities, achievable according to a typology minutely described in the Course Didactic Regulations, are aimed at enhancing communication skills and abilities, computer skills, related to transversal skills and for students in the Performing Arts curriculum specifically concerning Laboratories and Internships carried out in entities and institutions related to music, entertainment and media. In your study plan, you have 3 CFUs available for other activities. You can enter the code for Other Activities in your syllabus indifferently in your first or second year. N.B.The Other Activities can be carried outat any time during the three years but you can only request their recognition provided that you have entered the corresponding code in your study plan. If you have not entered it, you will still be able to carry out activities that are useful for earning Other Credits.To submit documentation you will have to wait until the following academic year, when you enter the code for the educational activity in your plan.
Recognized activities In case you miss only part of the credits Other Activities to be able to graduate, and you have all the other necessary requirements, you can arrange with the Other Credits Committee of your Course a replacement activity that you can do at home (including written papers and research on assigned topics). Remember that all other CFU acquisition options for Other Activities listed below still apply. Subscribe annually to the Aulaweb "Notices and Useful Documents" and check the News and Events section of the site often to stay up-to-date on CFU acquisition arrangements. Cases recognized by the course: Laboratories activated by the Department or recognized by the Course and consultable in CDS website; Erasmus or Cinda stay: 2 CFUs for the acquisition of 12 CFUs abroad, 3 CFUs for the acquisition of 18 CFUs, regardless of the duration of the stay abroad; Period of study abroad for study purposes other than the Erasmus+ program, for a maximum of 3 CFU, evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the committee. Internships and internships approved by the course of study and the Department for a total of 3 non-divisible CFUs acquired in 75 hours. The criterion also applies to activities that are assimilated to internships and traineeships carried out within international mobility programs. . Certification of language proficiency at B1 level and above, issued by institutions recognized by UniGe or by appropriate public and/or private institution, in Italy or abroad, with proof of passing the relevant test. For a total of 3 non-divisible CFUs (please note: the certification used for the language assessment test cannot be reused for Other Activities CFUs).. Participation in scholarly initiatives (conferences, congresses, seminars, training courses, etc.) under the following conditions: 1) the activity must have been previously accredited by the course of study; 2) presence of a signature sheet recording your participation for the entire duration of the conference or seminar; 3) writing of an articulate and detailed report of the work of the conference or seminar followed and supervised by the proposing professor (where required). Post-secondary diplomas issued by university or para-university institutions and public bodies, certificates of courses of the same type (3 CFUs non-divisible) with proof of passing relative verification. Civil Service certified and carried out at legally recognized institutions (duration of at least one year, for 3 CFUs), judged by the Commission to be relevant to the Course of Study. Certified work activity relevant to the curriculum as judged by the Commission Credits others and of at least annual duration. N.B.If you graduated from a four-year degree program, you may be recognized a maximum of 3 CFUs for exams, computer skills, language skills, internships, etc. that were not accepted in the calculation of CFUs for the three basic, characterizing and related fields. If you attended the School of Specialization in Secondary Teaching (SSIS) or the Training Course for the Specialization in Educational Support Activities for Pupils with Disabilities (TFA) you will be recognized 3 CFUs, thanks to the internship you took during the course.
Proposals Other activities Workshops Find the list of Laboratories offered by the Course of Study at the page dedicated to Laboratories Computer skills The computer skills test is a test to be prepared independently. Find all the information about test dates and materials to prepare yourself on Teams. Teams Code: ec1icx9 To book the test, simply write an email to daniele.porello@unige.it with the subject line "Computer Skills Test" and then log onto the Teams channel at the time of the test. Normally one test per month is organized; dates are announced on Teams at the beginning of each month. If you have special needs, please contact the lecturer. Trial Instructions. The test is conducted in distance mode on Teams. The test has a maximum total duration of two hours (one and a half hours for the first level, half an hour for the second) in which you are required to solve some short exercises with your computer. On the Teams channel, find a sample of the proposed exercises to prepare you for the test. At the end of the test, you will send the result of the exercises (i.e., some files that you will have processed) in a compressed folder via email to daniele.porello@unige.it or to the same lecturer via Teams chat, specifying: last name, first name, freshman number, number of credits of the test, code of "other activities" required by your curriculum for the computer skills test. The subject of the email should be: "Computer Skills Test-Surname-Name".It is important that you specify all the required information, because you need it to produce the certificate to get the credits. Program The two levels are independent, and can be taken separately. Level I (provides 2 credits). Computer use and file management. Practical knowledge by the candidate of the main basic functions of a personal computer and its operating system (WINDOWS, or MAC, or LINUX): organizing and managing files and folders, working with icons and windows, using simple editing tools and printing options. Word processing (WORD). Creating, formatting and finishing a document. Creating tables, introducing graphics and images into a document, printing a document. Electronic spreadsheet (EXCEL). Creating and formatting an electronic spreadsheet, using basic arithmetic and logic functions. Graphical representation of the data in it.A handout is available on the spreadsheet and can be downloaded at this address.(https://balboa.dafist.unige.it/upload/dispensa_excel_frixione.pdf) Level II (provides 1 credit). (One test to be chosen from the following two) 1. Databases (ACCESS or similar software) [optional]. Create a simple database. Extract information from an existing database using available query, selection, and sorting tools. or 2. Web. Use of the Internet to search for data, documents, scientific resources; use the features of a browser, use search engines, run printouts from the web. English course - level B2 3 CFUs The Language Skills Development Sector (CLAT) offers the opportunity to attend an English course to obtain level B2 certification. After taking the course, in self-study, you can take the test and obtain, following an application to the CLAT, the certificate of proficiency. The course is offered free of charge, while there is a fee of 50 euros to participate in the test (optional). If you apply for the certificate of eligibility, there is also a 16 euro stamp fee. The course is made available in the Aulaweb portal every year, around the middle of October. Interested students should request an access password by writing to didattica.diraas@unige.it It should be noted that in order to obtain credit recognition, the certificate of eligibility issued by CLAT must be forwarded to the Commission, so it is necessary to take and pass the final test. ------------------------- As an alternative to the self-study course provided by the Language Skills Development Sector, you can take the English Language B2 cod. 108657. In order to obtain credit recognition, you will have to request from the teacher in charge of the course the certificate of passing the final exam, which you will have to forward to the Commission other credits. Genoa New Cinema Europe Festival 1 CFU. Referring Lecturer: Luca Malavasi The commitment will consist of: in viewing the films in competition (8/10), all first works, all in original language with subtitles in the awarding of a first prize and possible mentions (writing of critical texts, therefore) in the drafting of a report of at least 2/3 folders on the activity carried out. Seminar human rights, origins, developments and contemporary trends 1 CFU. Lecturer: M. Stella AcernoPeriod of performance: 2nd semester. Beginning: mid-January 2024, ending: end of April 2024 for a total of 26 hours, divided into 12 weekly meetings. For registration and information: info.cedu@libero.it PRESENTATION. The seminar will cover topics related to human rights in their various aspects in historical, legal, cultural and educational terms. Beginning with definitions of the concept of human rights, the origins, development and contemporary trends concerning civil and political, social, economic and cultural rights are analyzed. Insights are devoted to education and the relationship between art, cinema and human rights. Seminar Program 2023-24 Citizenship training The Citizenship Training course is aimed at all students enrolled in the University's undergraduate, master's, single-cycle master's and PhD courses, regardless of the Department offering the course or the course they are enrolled in. The aim of the course is to promote the development of active and responsible citizenship through the acquisition of personal and social, entrepreneurial and digital skills. The Course of Study recognises among other curricular activities the seminar modules activated by the Departments of the School of Humanities. Searching and Risking: Exploring the World of Youth (DIRAAS - contact person Prof. Morando) - 1 CFU Marginals and rights(DAFIST - ref. prof. Langella) - 1 CFU Multiculturalism and Citizenship (DLCM - ref. prof. Pusillo) - 1 CFU Religions in public space (DAFIST - ref. prof. Colagrossi) - 1 CFU NOTE PLEASE NOTE:the offer of activated modules may vary from year to year, please wait for the annual notice with the list of modules offered in the current academic year. Laboratorio di avvicinamento alla Lingua dei Segni Italiana (LIS) Introduced in the wake of the recognition of the Italian Sign Language (LIS) by the Italian state, these workshops aim to bring those who participate closer to the world of LIS; a world in which communication passes through a different channel from the one we usually associate with (spoken) languages: the visual-gestural channel. Lecturer responsible: Danilo Monteverde The course of study recognises 1 CFU for the basic level course and 1 CFU for the intermediate level course. More information on class schedules and classrooms will be published in due course on the "News" section of this website. Pride of words 1 CFU Proposing Lecturer: Alessandro Ferraro Genova, Palazzo Ducale, 8-9 November 2024 The Pride of words is back, an opportunity to talk about issues dear to the lgbtqia+ community, and not only, thanks to some books of the last few years and the voice of those who wrote them. Those wishing to take the cfu will have to: Register by sending an email to alessandro.ferraro@unige.it no later than Monday 4 November 2024 (the subject of the email must be "Place reservation for the Pride of Words" and the text must include basic information, i.e. first name, surname, matriculation number and course of study). Attend the Pride of Words. Come to the Pride of Words on both days, by signing the attendance list, which will be available at the Ducal Palace, both at the beginning and at the end of the two events.. Submit, also to alessandro.ferraro@unige.it, no later than Friday 20 December 2024, a three-page report, the instructions for which can be found below. Further information and instructions for the final report can be found in the flyer: Document Pride delle parole 2024 N.B. To learn about other opportunities subscribe to the Aulaweb "Notices and useful documents - Modern Literature and Performing Arts" and browse the announcements
CFU Recognition To apply for the recognition of other credits you must submit to the Other Credits Committee, at least three months before the final discussion, the specific form with a paper trail attesting:the activity performed and/or the competence acquiredthe duration of the activityYou can also submit a self-certification regarding the duration of the training activities. In this case, the Commission Credits Others, proceeding with spot checks, may ask you later for formal documentation. Activities already recognized during the three-year course cannot be recognized again as course credits during the master's degree course.