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Latin lectureships

modern curriculum

3 CFUs

Lecturers: Andrea Barabino and Nicoletta Marini


Lesson Start: 23/09/2024

Timetable and location 1st semester:  as posted on the Easyacademy


For information, please refer to the teaching card


classical curriculum

Lecturer: Serena Ferrando

Period: 1st semester

Lectures start: 9 October 2024. On Wednesday 2 October, the admission test

will take place in room 8 at 5 p.m.

Time and place: Wednesday 17-19 - classroom 8 (via Balbi 2)

This lecture is dedicated mainly, but not exclusively, to those enrolled in the Classics curriculum who have taken an Additional Formative Obligation (OFA) following the Latin access test.

classical curriculum


Lecturer: Arianna Fecit

Period: 1st semester

Lessons start: 11 October 2024

Time and location: Fridays 3-5 p.m., Room 4 (Via Balbi 2)


The translation of an ancient literary text is a complex problem, which requires us to disentangle the source and target languages, rules and exceptions, form and content, until we identify the most suitable one from the shortlist of admissible solutions. The workshop and dialectical approach of the Reader will enable participants to face this challenge with awareness.


The activities of the Advanced Latin Translation Lectureship are aimed at enabling students to acquire the method of analysis necessary to translate and interpret texts of Latin literature of medium-high complexity.

Participation in the activities of the Lectureship will enable students to acquire:

  • the ability to analyse the morphosyntactic structures of texts of ancient Latin literature of medium-high complexity
  • the ability to understand the meaning of Latin prose passages of medium-high difficulty
  • .
  • the ability to recognise and interpret the linguistic-stylistic characteristics of the main authors and genres of Latin prose
  • the ability to render appropriately in Italian, from the point of view of syntactic and lexical choices, texts of ancient Latin literature of medium-high complexity.
  • The ability to read and understand the linguistic and stylistic characteristics of ancient Latin prose.
  • a greater awareness of one's own translation choices
  • .


The lectureship presupposes a good previous knowledge of Latin, which the student will have acquired in his or her previous schooling or by attending the basic level Latin lectureship.


The Lectureship will be organised in a workshop mode: the proposed Latin passages will be discussed and translated collaboratively, in order to distinguish between inadmissible translations, admissible translations and optimal translations. The focus will be not only on morpho-syntactic structures (which, if necessary, will be reviewed), but also on the lexical and stylistic-rhetorical dimensions.

The Lectureship will make use of an AulaWeb page, to which participating students are invited to register.

Students must actively attend at least 75% of the hours to obtain a certificate of participation in the Lectureship.


The lectureship will be devoted to the analysis, discussion and collaborative translation of prose passages of increasing difficulty, belonging to the main Latin genres and authors.


All texts to be translated will be provided by the teacher via the AulaWeb platform.

The student should have a Latin vocabulary and a Latin grammar reference, such as Marco Fucecchi, Luca Graverini, La lingua latina. Fondamenti di morfologia e sintassi, Le Monnier / Mondadori Education.



At the end of the Lectureship, students may, on a voluntary basis, take a translation test to certify their linguistic competence for the advanced exams (> 12 CFU in total) of SSD L-FIL-LET/04.

Students who actively attend at least 75% of the hours will be issued a certificate of attendance, which can be used for Other Activities.

Lectures in Ancient Greek

for all curricula - borrowed from the CdS in Conservation of Cultural Heritage


Lecturer: Martina Savio

Period: 1st semester

For further information please refer to the teaching schedule of Greek Language and Literature, activated by Conservation of Cultural Heritage.

Literature students interested in the lectureship will only have to attend the 25 hours of language practice that will take place in Semester 1. They must then apply to the lecturer for a certificate for the purposes of career credit recognition. This certificate must be forwarded to the lecturer in charge of the "other" credits committee of the Humanities degree course.


classical curriculum

Lecturer: Marco Martin

Period: 1st semester

Lessons start: 10 October 2024

Time and location: Thursday and Friday 1pm-3pm, Classroom 9 (Via Balbi 2)

This lecture is dedicated mainly, but not exclusively, to those enrolled in the classical curriculum who have taken an Additional Formative Obligation (OFA) following the Greek entrance examination.

classical curriculum


Lecturer: Lara Pagani

Period: 2nd semester

Lecture start: will be announced later

Time and location: will be announced later


Translating a literary work is an operation that is often described as a hand-to-hand struggle between the translator and the text. Ancient Greek literature is no exception in this respect and indeed represents one of the most challenging tests. This Lectureship aims to place students actively and consciously in front of the challenge.


The activities of the Advanced Lectureship in Greek Translation are aimed at enabling students to acquire the analytical method necessary to translate and interpret texts of ancient Greek literature of medium-high complexity.

Participation in the activities of this Lectureship will enable students to acquire:

  • the ability to analyse the morphosyntactic structures of texts of ancient Greek literature of medium-high complexity
  • .
  • the ability to recognise and interpret the linguistic-stylistic characteristics of texts of ancient Greek literature of medium-high complexity
  • .
  • the ability to render appropriately in Italian, from the point of view of syntactic and lexical choices, texts of ancient Greek literature of medium-high complexity
  • .


The Lectureship presupposes a good previous knowledge of ancient Greek.


The Lectureship will have workshop and seminar modalities: the Greek text will be subject to discussion and collaborative translation (also through the support of technologies), in order to distinguish between inadmissible translations, admissible translations and optimal translations. The focus will be not only on morpho-syntactic structures (which, if necessary, will be reviewed), but also on lexical and stylistic-rhetorical dimensions.

The Lectureship will make use of an AulaWeb page, to which participating students are invited to register.

Students must actively attend at least 75% of the hours to obtain a certificate of participation in the Lectureship.


Analysis and translation of (excerpts from) Lucian, against the ignorant book collector.


The Greek text will be provided in the classroom by the lecturer and made available on Aulaweb. In order to carry out the activities, students will need a vocabulary of the ancient Greek language (the teacher may provide some); it may also be useful to have a reference grammar of ancient Greek with them.


The Lectureship does not include an examination with a final grade. Students who actively attend at least 75% of the hours will be awarded a certificate of attendance, which can be used for Other Activities.

The Lectureship does not include a final examination.

Other lectures

estremamente raccomandato agli studenti del primo e del secondo anno


Docente: Sara Sorrentino

Inizio: nel secondo semestre; la data di inizio verrà comunicata in seguito

Orario: verrà comunicato in seguito 

Dove: verrà comunicato in seguito

Il corso propone approfondimenti teorici, attività pratiche e laboratoriali per migliorare la competenza scrittoria e acquisire una maggiore disinvoltura e consapevolezza durante la stesura di testi espositivi.

Dopo un’analisi iniziale del concetto di norma e di errore e un momento riservato all’autovalutazione della propria competenza, ci si dedicherà, innanzitutto, alla costruzione di una panoramica dei principali strumenti che possono aiutare a gestire meglio le norme linguistiche della lingua italiana (strumenti di ricerca bibliografica; manuali; grammatiche; vocabolari; strumenti digitali).

Il corso si svolgerà nel II semestre e avrà una durata di 25 ore. Dopo una breve premessa teorica, i partecipanti e le partecipanti si dedicheranno allo svolgimento di attività pratiche e laboratoriali.

Per iscriversi mandare una mail a specificando nome, cognome, corso di laurea e numero di matricola. Data la natura laboratoriale del corso, il numero massimo sarà di 20 partecipanti, si procederà in ordine di iscrizione.

Docente: Amalìa Kolonia

Inizio: 9 ottobre 2024

Orario e luogo: mercoledì 13-15, aula 2 (Balbi 2)

Posti disponibili: 25

Modalità: in presenza. Per iscriversi inviare una e-mail all’indirizzo avendo cura di specificare nome e cognome, matricola, corso di studio, anno di corso.

Il lettorato si propone di offrire agli studenti le basi strutturali e lessicali della lingua greca di oggi che permettono la comunicazione elementare scritta e orale, passiva e attiva.

Per approfondire le conoscenze linguistiche e l’introduzione alla civiltà neogreca è prevista la lettura e il commento di testi letterari significativi con particolare attenzione alla poesia del Novecento.

Il materiale didattico, i testi letti e commentati a lezione ed il supporto bibliografico saranno raccolti nella dispensa che sarà fornita dalla docente.